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*Sebastian's POV*

I guess the formal way to introduce yourself is by saying hello.

Or, well, at least that's what my mother says.

So, hello.

My name is Sebastian Baker.

I'm 18 years old, from a small city outside of Tulsa Oklahoma called Bixby.

I'm going into my senior year at Bixby High School with my best friend Colson Harris. Who is also my next-door neighbor.

Us at Bixby, also includes my little sister Antoinette, which, don't call her that, call her Tony, and Colson's little sister, who is also Tony's best friend Saige.

Along with Tony, I also have another little brother and another little sister. The twins Robbie and Roxie. They're about to turn 5.

And then there's my mama, Connie, and my dad, Simon.

Mom, she's a cop. Dad, he is also a cop. Both have distinct differences. Mom is a deputy, dad, he's the god damn Sherriff.

Can you imagine how life is for me?

Not going to lie, it's pretty damn great.

Aside from the majority of my friends hitting on Tony every chance they get to screw with me, Tony's fuck up of an ex-boyfriend, and Saige just being, well, Saige.

But that's besides the point.

Let's get to the story.

Well, not the whole story, you've got to read for that.

Now, I know what most of you are probably thinking.

A classic tale of brother's best friend falls in love with the little sister, brother gets pissed off, there's an all-out war between brother and best friend but no.

Not even close.

Tony is grown, she can date, do whatever she wants.

But like, bitch don't let me hear it, see it, or hear about it.

This, however, is a story of what the brother and his best friend do to get the sister out of the funk of a breakup with the dumb prick of an ex-boyfriend who didn't deserve her anyway.

Which is exactly what Leo Cercone is.

A dumb prick.

So, lets get to current time, right now.

Colson and I are walking into Little Trinity, our favorite diner to visit Tony for lunch since she's working.

"Seb, I'm serious." He nodded and opened the door for me. "If I see one more tear slide down that girls face because of that fuck nut of a football player, I'm doing it and you can't stop me."

"I'm telling you, if she finds out what really happened, she's going to have your ass for doing it and mine for not stopping you. She doesn't want set up right now."

"Oh hi." We sat down. "Have you seen her this summer? The only time she's not sulking in her room or crying is when she's practicing, sulking in Saige's room, crying in Saige's room, or when she's here."

"Hey." Tony came walking over, leaned down and kissed the top of my head. "Sup bitch." She smacked the back of Colson's.

"Well, someone's in a good mood today." I smiled.

"Between breakfast, and now lunch, I have 4 more hours left and I've made $100 today. So yes, good mood. Peanut butter milkshake?"

"Please?" I pouted.

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