[1] New Flash (EDITED)

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-Hazel Allen-

My name is Hazel Allen and my whole life I've been searching for answers of what happened to my mother when I was eight years old. I became a police officer when I was only twenty years old with the highest grade to prove it and two years later, I became a detective. I decided to head upstairs to my big brother's lab and wait for him there. He came in with food from Big Belly Burger so I knew something was up.

"Did my big bro bring me something delicious?" I asked.

"Hey Z, here's your caramel-chocolate covered ice cream with your blueberry muffin," Barry smirked.

"You are the best brother in the world," I smiled.

"Well, my little sister did just become detective," he said with sarcasm.

"Thanks for being so appreciative, Bar," I stated dramatically.

"I'm ready to this atom smasher.....smashing," Iris entered.

Iris came in to see if my brother is going to see the particle accelerator turn on.

"Got to go but I'll meet up with you guys later," I pecked Barry's cheek.

I went downstairs to my desk and when I saw Barry and Iris coming downstairs, I followed them. It was so exciting to see the particle accelerator especially since I'm not really a science nerd.

"I'm going to get a front view for us," I cheered.

I went ahead to grab the perfect area to see this particle accelerator turn on. Eventually, Barry and Iris caught up and we were watching Harrison Wells give his speech.

"Hey, I was wondering if-"

Suddenly, Barry and Iris were nowhere to be seen so I went looking for them. I found Barry chasing some thief so I went after them. I caught the guy in time when Eddie Thawne (aka Det. Pretty Boy as Joe calls him) aimed his gun at him.

"Nice work.....you must be new as well," Eddie smirked.

"My first arrest as a detective.....yes but a cop, it's a different story," I breathed heavily.

"Let's get this punk to the precinct," Eddie stated.

We went to the precinct and everyone was congratulating me and Eddie on our catch. I went to check on my big bro, whose nose might be broken thanks to that idiot thief.

"Let me help you with that nose bleed, Barry," I begged.

"Who's that guy and why is he so proud of catching a mugger?" Iris asked.

"A tranfer from Keystone City.....Eddie Thawne," Barry said.

"That's Det. Pretty Boy...."

I noticed how confused Barry was at Iris's comment.

"My dad calls him that.....says he keeps score when it comes to his arrest," Iris rolled her eyes.

"He is pretty though," I sighed.

Barry left and I followed him so I hanged our things up while Barry turned on the TV. I noticed him looking at the board with Mom's murder and it was really hard to know that was nearly killed with her by the man in yellow.

Mommy, I'm scared?!

Don't touch my baby!!!



"We are being told to evacuate the facility....."

Barry and I looked at looked at the TV when it suddenly went off.

"Barry, what the hell's going on?" I asked.

"Stay away while I close the windows," Barry warned.

Then, the huge explosion happened and everything was floating as I noticed the cloud and lightning above us.

"Barry, look out!"

I grabbed Barry when we were both hit by the lightning and thrown at opposite directions. I watched as the paramedics took a look at Barry and I passed out while they checked on me.

-Thirteen Months Later-

"What happened to my sister?!"

"She's going to live.....don't worry"

"My sister doesn't look good......I mean her vocal cords don't look right"

"We're not sure how we're going to fix that or if it's part of her change"

I sat up quickly and fell off the bed as Barry was talking to some strangers.

"Barry, what the hell is going on?" I asked.

"Relax, you're going to be OK.....we're in S.T.A.R. Labs, Z," Barry explained.

"Really.....but I don't understand why I'm here without medical assistance?" I asked.

"Actually, the medics couldn't help you so we took you in," Wells corrected.

"My throat is so sore like I need some tea with honey," I groaned.

"We will but first, we need to see how's it possible that you're still able to talk," Woman said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Dr. Caitlin Snow.....I need to run a Body Scan and take some blood samples," she introduced.

"Bar, what exactly is going on?"

"You may be a meta-human...."

"What the hell's a meta-human and what's that got to do with me?!" I asked.

"I'll show you in a moment," Barry said.

He got on a treadmill, running fast and I mean seriously fast. I was in shock to be seeing this but I noticed that everything was moving slow.

"Barry, everything is moving really slow......why?" I asked.

"You can move as fast as me now," Barry stated.

"Interesting.....two speedsters now," Cisco said.

"Let's test her out in the field before we test on the treadmill," Wells stated.

We all went out to the field so I could test out my speed and I suddenly felt this huge rush throughout my body. I was running.....and I mean running faster than the speed of sound; this was amazing so I ran back to them. I rubbed my throat a bit as I felt a lot of pain and soreness.

"Are you okay, sis?" Barry asked.

"I don't know.....my throat's been bothering me," I answered.

"Wait, if she was screaming when she was struck by lightning, then....."

Cisco brought out glass and put it in front of me for some reason.

"We need some earplugs and when I count to three, you scream," Cisco finished.


They all put their earplugs on for protection.


I took a deep breath before he got to three.


I screamed a banshee-like cry and the glass quickly shattered; everyone was in shock of this extra power of mine.

"Scarlet Banshee is totally cool," Cisco smiled.

"Scarlet Banshee???"


"I think it's cool," I agreed with Cisco.

"Dr. Wells is going to want to see this when we get back to the lab," Caitlin said.

"I need to meet up with Iris," I sighed.

"You can't Haze.....we don't know if you can even control your banshee cry yet or your speed like me," Barry stated.

"Fine but I'm still meeting Iris after we get control of these powers of mine," I said.

We went back to S.T.A.R. Labs for some more testing on my powers.

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