Trial 1

75 1 11

*16 Left*
The monitor turned off as the rest of the campers slowly made it to the main lodge. Y/n had been looking for any evidence he could, and found A green strand of hair near Ezekiel's body.
Gwen: The Monopod is saying the cause of death was bludgeoning.
Y/n: I think that was kind of clear.
Gwen: It also lists the time of death.
Y/n: What was it?
Gwen: It says it was 1:12.

*Truth Bullet Gained: Time of Death*

Y/n: Does it say AM or PM?
Gwen: It doesn't say either.
Y/n: Hmm, we'll just have to figure that out ourselves.
Soon the entire group was looking for clues all over Camp Y/n, thinking there might be more hints elsewhere, and went back to the resort. As he looked around, he found some of the other camper's stuff, where he noticed some red of Eva's Dumbells.

*Truth Bullet Gained: Red Splat on Eva Sweatshirt*

He kept looking around for more evidence, before returning to camp. He noticed that there were traces of what seems like blood on Duncan's shirt, but upon closer inspection, and some reconsidering, Y/n realized it was just some Jam.

*Truth Bullet Gained: Jam on Duncan's Shirt*

Y/n went back to the Camp to get some alibies, starting with Duncan since the evidence seemed to point towards him.
Duncan: What do you want?
Y/n: I need people's Alibies, where were you last night?
Duncan: I was in the pool, just chilling, I was with Geoff and Dj, you can ask them.
Y/n: Hm, alright, thanks Duncan.

*Truth Bullet Gained: Duncan's Alibi*

He then went looking for some more alibies when he decided to take a closer look at the body, the blood was completely dried, Y/n checked the time, 1:23 PM, the blood wouldn't be able to be dry enough in time if he died during the afternoon.
Monokuma: Let's get this going! It's time to show all the evidence you've gathered and everything you've learned! After we've addressed everything and all possibilities, we'll cast A vote! If you figure out who the Blackened is, then the innocent get off scot-free and get to go back to their regular killing-game lives, but if the Blackened is guessed incorrectly, then the Blackened gets to go back to the outside world!

Trail Begin!

Y/n: Okay, to start us off, what have we found?
Courtney: There was some green hair next to Ezekiel's body! There's only one person here with green hair, isn't that right, Duncan?
Duncan: Huh? What're you sayin, princess?
Courtney: I'm saying it must have been you!
Duncan: No way, I was in the pool when the murder happened!
Courtney: Really? Cause I was in the pool! And you were nowhere near there!
Y/n: What time were you in the pool, Courtney?
Courtney: Huh? 1:12 PM, when the murder happened.
Y/n: *Counter* Stop right there!
Courtney: Huh?
Y/n: Ezekiel must have been killed in the morning! At the time we found the body, the blood was dried, but that was at 1:23 PM! Blood dries in 30 to 60 minutes, so the only way the blood could have dried in time was if Ezekiel died in the morning!
Courtney: A-ah, right...
Leshawna: But what about the red splatter on Duncan's shirt?
Y/n: That's easily explained, Duncan, what did you have for breakfast again?
Duncan: Huh? Some toast with red jelly, but what does that have to do with this?
Y/n: And then that splatter is?
Duncan took it off his shirt and tasted it.
Courtney: Ew!
Duncan: It's Jelly.
Y/n: Duncan has no way to have been the killer!
Heather: But Duncan still doesn't have an Alibi!
Duncan: Huh? Yes I do!
Y/n: That's right! Duncan was in the pool, just not at the time Courtney thought! Isn't that right, Dj and Geoff?
Geoff: Yea! We were with him in the pool when the murder must've happened!
Dj: We were talking and joking the whole time, there was no time for him to have left to go kill!
Izzy: But, we have no other evidence!
Monokuma: Okay, everyone! It's time for an intermission! Use this time to relax or find some new evidence!


The campers left the trial area, and while most went to destress, Y/n, Gwen, and Noah were more focused on finding the killer, knowing that they're among the group. The group looked for clues where they haven't before, exploring the forest, Y/n found bloodied dumbbell weights discarded in the forest, hidden in A bush.

*Truth Bullet Gained: Bloodied Weights*

He then went to the resort and found A letter in Ezekiel's stuff, just simply asking him to meet at the Main Lodge at 1:12 AM.

*Truth Bullet gained: Letter*

Soon, Monokuma called the campers back to the Trail, where it started again.

Trail Continue!

Courtney: What are we supposed to do without anymore evidence?
Y/n: Wait, we do have more evidence! Just not against Duncan!
Heather: Really? Than who's our Killer, Y/n?
Y/n: First of all, everyone, what's the most weight you can lift?
Heather: Huh? What does that have to do with it?
Y/n: Just trust me, okay?
The group shared how much they can lift, and Y/n grinned.
Y/n: This trial is over!
Courtney: What do you mean?
Y/n: Simple, in our intermission, while you were all relaxing, I was busy with Gwen and Noah looking for evidence!
Gwen: Noah and I didn't find anything, though.
Noah: That's right, unless you found something?
Eva: Well, nothing could really point to any of us, after all, Duncan was the only one that had any evidence on his person.
Y/n: *Counter* That's not it!
Eva: What?!
Y/n: Your sweatshirt had splatters of red on it, back at the Resort in front of our rooms, where all of our stuff was put out to look through by Monokuma!
Eva: That doesn't prove anything!
She started to get nervous, this is what Y/n was counting on.
Y/n: That's not everything I have to point to you! Mind explaining the dumbbells?
Eva: What dumbbells? Only one of my dumbbells were in my room!
Y/n: *Counter* Try Again! Your other dumbbell was discarded in the forest! All the weights on it, covered in blood! Only you can lift that amount of weight!
Eva: W-What?!
Monokuma: Pyuhuhuhu! Good show! Got a story to back up your wild claims, Y/n?
Y/n: Indeed I do!


Y/n: Eva and Ezekiel had A disagreement about their world views, you see Ezekiel was raised by sexist parents and their world views were passed onto him. He thought that was how the world was, but when he shared his ideology Eva wasn't pleased, after I stepped in they stopped the fighting, but that wasn't the end, Eva gave Ezekiel a letter to meet her at the Main Lodge at 1:12, or maybe even earlier. When Ezekiel got there, he walked right into a trap! Eva bashed his head in with her dumbbells, and tried to hide the evidence by hiding the dumbbell deep into the forest, and trying to hide the bloodied sweatshirt! She used a strand of Duncan's hair to try to throw us off her scent, but we saw right through it, it was pure chance that Duncan got some jam on his shirt that looks like blood. So that can only mean... the killer is, YOU! The Ultimate Weight Lifter, Eva Garren!

Trial End!

Monokuma: Amazing Job everyone! Hahahaha!
Marshmallows dropped in front of the ultimates, all but one, Eva.
Monokuma: It's Punishment Time!
Eva was quickly dragged away by A chain to A caged room, where everyone else was forced to watch.

*The Weightlifter's Limit*

The Execution started with Eva having to benchpress A large weight, more and more items being added to make it heavier, somehow she managed to keep lifting until A giant dumbbell fell from the ceiling, crushing her.

*Execution End*

The campers stood shocked, not only had they witnessed a death, but they also learned that, indeed, some of them were able to be pushed over the edge, and kill.

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