chapter 9 DEO

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She put me in a cell and asked what I was doing out there. I told her that I needed to go to a quiet place to calm down. She said you're staying here for a minute. She left and a woman with brown hair and brown eyes came in and said in Alex and you are? I said I'm Lola. She told me that I have to stay here. Then Supergirl and a man came in. I said, "You're that man from the park. Supergirl said this is Hank. I said okay? Hank said you're going to stay here for 2 days okay. It's been 2 days and I got out of my cell. I was walking with Hank and he was telling me about this place I'm at. He called it the Deo. I said so you in prison dangerous Aliens then. Supergirl said yes and we want you to work with us. Hank said we need an inside person. Someone who gets villains. I said why me? Supergirl said I heard what you and your friend said about how you feel about your fathers being busy all the time. I said okay. Hank said we're going to have to train you for a year though. Starting Monday. I said okay.

I went home and walked in the front door. I looked in the dining room and made eye contact with my father eating lunch as I walked past and my father got up and walked in the hallway. I turned around and he yelled "where the hell have you been?" I turned around and saw his mad face and I said no where. He said it's been more than 2 days. I said why do you care? It's not like you gave birth to me or anything. I went to my room and he followed me.

In my room I put my bag down on my desk chair. My father said I do care! I turned around and yelled really are you Sirius!! You care about your stupid job more than you care about me!! He said I do care about you!! Yes I admit it I did have you! I love you and I'm sorry I fell in love with superman! I turned around and said what? My father sat down on my bed. I sat down next to him and he said I can't get him off my mind. I said text him then dad. My father said I can't because he doesn't love me. He's into Lois Lane. He didn't want to raise you but I wanted to. I was happy that you exist. I love you Lola. It's been a year and the Deo fully trained me. Hank walked up to me and said are you sure you want to be our inside job you're just a kid. I said yes I'm ready. Alex came up to me and Hank and told me to go home.

I went home and walked in the front door and saw my father standing there on the stairs. He looked mad. I walked up to him and he said so you have been skipping school too. I walked up the stairs past him by 2 steps and he stopped me and said you have to have an explanation for this. I turned my head to his mad face and said He looked confused and whispered, "Was it worth it?" My father gasped and said what happened to your face and you were worth it. I said leave me alone. I went to my room and went to the bathroom and cleaned my wounds up and got an ice pack out to help with my ankle. I walked out of the bathroom and saw my father sitting on my bed looking at me and then I started working on my homework. My father said what happened to you? Who beat you up? I said no one, I'm fine. I did all of my work and it was the next day.

superbat badboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon