chapter 2 the letter

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The next day at school someone put a letter in my backpack. I turned around and saw someone running away in a black hoodie, blue jeans and black shoes. In my free period I was in the gym sitting on the long wooden bleachers. I looked to my right and saw Bruce and Cilena making out again. I opened my backpack and saw the letter. The envelope was red and the paper was white. On the paper it said "hi Clark, I have been thinking about you lately. You make me smile on the inside. Sometimes I wish I could beat Cilena up for bullying you. Maybe we can hang out sometime. I like how nerdy you are. Every time I look at you. It makes me want to kiss you. Your eyes. They are a nice shade of blue." From ???

After I read the letter I looked up and saw Bruce Wayne looking at me. I got my notebook out and started writing a letter back. "Hi mystery person, thanks for the compliments we can hang out sometime. If I know who you are and do you mean hang out as friends or are you asking me out on a date?" From Clark I folded the paper and put it in my backpack.

The school bell rang and I got up and realized how I am going to give this mystery person my letter back. I started walking down the hall when Cilena tripped me yet again and the hooded man came up to me and caught me and said hey what's up. I gave him my letter because I knew that it was him that gave me his letter. The hooded guy told me that he was paid to give me the letter. I said do you know who he is? The hooded guy gave the letter to Bruce. Bruce took the letter from the guy and ran into the bathroom and into the big stall and hid in the corner of the stall. I ran into the bathroom and saw him sitting on the floor of the big stall.

I walked in the stall and closed the door behind me. He looked up at me and I saw him crying. He was breathing heavily. I got on my knees in front of him and he said I can't see anything. while crying. I put my hands on his cheeks and said hold your breath. He told me that he tried to do that and it didn't work. I said okay. I put my forehead on his and went in to kiss him on the lip and held it in for a long time. It's been a few minutes and he kissed me back and said I love you. I fell in love with an alien. I said how did you know? He said I always did.

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