chapter 6 birth

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It's been 8 months today. I woke up and looked down and saw a wet spot on my bed and realized what happened. I lied back and started to cry and saw Cilena lying there. I taped her and she woke up and said what? I said I need you to stay here and hold my hand. She sat up and took my hand. I started to squeeze her hand hard. She said is she coming? I nodded yes to her and said please don't leave? She said I'm not leaving okay. She told me to close my eyes and push. So I did. I was out of breath so I stopped. I yelled it hurts like hell. Make it stop. Please. I gripped on the bed and pushed. I said she's stuck I think? Cilena moved and grabbed the baby while still holding my hand. I squeezed her hand and pushed as she pulled the baby out. I let go of her hand and breathed. I said give her to me. Cilena gave me my baby and I started to cry. I kissed the baby on the head and said thank you. Cilena said of course. Cilena went into the bathroom and washed her hands and left. 2 minutes later I got up and went into the bathroom and washed the baby off and changed her. I held the baby and said Lola I love you. I put a hat on her and put her in her crib with a plushie. The plushie was a fish. Alfred came in and saw me over the crib he walked up to me and said school is tomorrow. I said wait what? Alfred left and I put the blanket over her.

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