«◊» 3 || run, Misfits, run! «◊»

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As soon as Mic gave the signal to go and the door opened, Izuku wasted no time and ran in. He can't afford being sloppy and hesitating right now.

His eyes sweep the fake city when he goes and picks up a broken pole of a former street sign. He twirls it in his hand to get a feel of it as he runs at the first robot he sees.

With ease, he slams the pole into the robot, impaling it. Izuku smiles to himself, his plan works! The robots seem to still be quite durable, but with enough force, he should be able to break more robots just like this one!

Now, only to find said robots...


He should have expected it. Of course they wouldn't make the robots lightweight,what was he thinking?

This is UA for fuck's sake! Even if they preach equality of any and all quirk types, heroic, flashy and physical quirks are favoured for their heroics course.

Tataki was falling behind, and that badly. Minutes pass as he passes another batch of destroyed robots before turning to an alley.

This is a fake city, right? If so, then he should have the same advantage he has back in The Valley. Stopping his run, he uses his quirk to land on the rooftop of the building next to him. He makes quick work of navigating over the rooftops and looking out for any robots that are hidden in the maze of alleyways below.

If I were to jump onto a robot from this height, would that be enough force to destroy the robots? Only one way to find out.

Finding a perfect target, he jumps down onto the one-pointer in the alley below, angling his foot towards the robot's neck. It was smaller than the rest of its body, so he guesses it's also its weakest link.

His foot lands and with a crack, the robot's neck snaps. Tataki manoeuvres over to a roll as he tumbled off the robot and onto the ground.

Good, he thinks, it works. Time to continue on like this!

With that, he goes back onto the rooftops and repeats this process on more robots.


Hitoshi runs through an alley with his impromptu weapon of a makeshift lance. He took a broken pipe off the ground and ripped his left glove, that he doesn't need, to attach a sharp shard of broken glass.

Seeing another robot, he quickly destroys it with his weapon. He breathes heavily as he starts running again. He then activates his comm link.

"How's it going on your end, 'Kyo?", he asks, turning around another corner.

Shōkyo's voice fills his comm. "all good, no problems here. Who knew that the fake city would use such durable poles? They make for great staffs, if you ask me. Anywho, what about you?"

"All good as well. I made myself a makeshift lance with a pipe, the glove I don't need and a shard of glass. I thought for sure that the glass shard would shatter at some point, but it's been holding quite well," he answers, pausing once to destroy another robot he came across.


Just then, Hitoshi felt a strong rumble. "You felt that too, right?"

"Of course I did. Hold on a moment-" Hitoshi's comm is filled with static for a moment before he hears Shōkyo again. "Oh my Rose... Toshi, are you able to get onto a rooftop right now?"

"Yeah, why?"

"It's best if you see it for yourself."

Shrugging to himself, he manoeuvres onto the rooftop of the building next to him and looks out. "HOLY SHIT!? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??"


Seeing a large moving... something makes Tataki pause in his tracks, luckily just before the next roof jump. He squints over at the moving thing in the distance before it clicks in his head.

"What in the name of Crimson Roses... IS UA TRYING TO KILL STUDENTS?!"

He wastes no time and runs back to the exit. No matter how much he may brag that he was the best, there was no chance he could beat that... thing.

Nope. He wasn't dying today, thank you very much.


Izuku hears it before he sees it. He turns quickly only to gape at the large robot that was towering over the fake city. "Oh my Rose... No wonder the flyer highly suggested to keep away from the zero-pointer... that thing can crush the entire fake city! I am so out of here!"

He wastes not another moment to turn away and run. On his way back to the exit, he does help up other participants that had fallen from the rumbling the large zero-pointer caused with its steps.

There is no way UA would try and seriously injure its applicants. Right...?


"And the Exam's over! Any injured students are to go to Recovery Girl! All other students are free to leave. Be ready to receive your letter in a week's time!", 'Zashi's voice booms.

Aizawa sighs. "Well, finally that's over...", he mutters.

"True... your little Hitoshi was doing well! Making a weapon out of that pipe, glass and his glove was really clever of him. Did you teach him that, Shouta?", Kayama Nemuri, aka. Midnight, asked him.

He looks at her with mild irritation. "I did not. He specifically asked me and Hizashi not to train him and we respected his decisions. So this is just as much of a surprise for me as it is for you," he admits.

Nezu chuckles. "Truly interesting... there were quite a lot of promising students, but this would be the first time I saw 3 students use improvised weapons out of their surroundings! Usually, if there's any, it's only one student, but this truly is quite the development! Ah, I cannot wait what they have in store for us," he gleefully exclaims.

"the ingenuity of the three young ones is truly admirable. However, they didn't seem to have any physical abilities. Surely they didn't score that high," Allmight chimes in.

And there it was. Aizawa doesn't know if Allmight was an oblivious idiot or an ignorant quirkist. In interviews he always spewed on about equality of all, saying anyone can achieve their dream, but then he says something like this when cameras are nowhere in sight. He's never been fond of the man, this statement didn't help the man with his case either.

"You needn't worry about their capabilities, Yagi-san," Nezu chirps, "there's more to being a hero than just a physical quirk. They seem to be adept in using their surroundings to their advantage. Also, do not forget that there are those with abilities that are useless against robots, but very effective against other humans. Considering that, I believe they've done really well."

"A-ah, yes, of course, Nezu-san...", Allmight sputters.

Aizawa is already done with the man and the new school year hasn't even started yet. How was he to survive this year with Allmight as the new foundational heroics teacher? Nezu better pay him more for this.

"Alright, since all of this is done, I think it's time for us to go and discuss the class placement of the qualifying applicants!", Nezu exclaims, standing up from the stool he sat on. "Off to the meeting room, Aizawa-kun, Sekijiro-kun!"

Sighing once more, he follows Vlad King and Nezu out of the observation room. He can already feel the headache creeping up his head, just thinking of his new batch of problem students. The question now is, just how many will he keep by the end of the first week?


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