~•~ 13 - Tebantha Tataki ~•~

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Tebantha Tataki comes from a long line of archers. They all may have taken on other jobs to gain money, but it was a tradition that everyone in the Tebantha family learned archery.

Ever since he had just started archery when he was still little, everyone around him told him that he had excellent archery marksmanship.

And so, that praise went into his head.

It caused him to be the most prideful and arrogant person most people knew.

So when he first met Nogaha Zanlai and saw his archery skills, he immediately saw him as a threat.

How could he possibly compare to his skill? And why was he chosen as the division captain and not himself?

It set Tataki on an instant road of jealousy.

He would take any moment he could to rile Nogaha up purposefully without harming their work or alerting the Reigning Three.

But for some reason, Nogaha always shrugs it off, as if it was nothing!

Couldn't Nogaha understand that he disliked him? Hated him? Or is Nogaha just blind to the obvious jealousy Tataki felt towards him?

Regardless of what is is, Nogaha merely sees him as a rival, nothing more, nothing less.

Tataki can't even begin to explain the rage he felt when Nogaha said that for the first time.

For some... commoner that Nogaha is, he definitely isn't his rival! Someone of a lowly status as him could never even dream of becoming his rival!

Tataki destroyed 2 targets that day during training due to the sheer volume of arrows he shot at them.


Tataki's pride and ego is the biggest of every Shadow Misfit.

The only ones he really respects are those of high status families. That being said, there are only few of them in The Valley, and those who are, are on equal footing with those who aren't. Two examples are the Shirakumo clan and the Yumaka clan.

But due to the Shirakumo clan's status of legal owners of The Valley, he respects them the most. So he was very pleased to hear that the youngest of the Shirakumo clan, Shirakumo Shōkyo is the leader of Shadow Misfits.

He doesn't know what he would've done if it were someone else who led them all.

Of course, he knows that the Reigning Three lead them all together, but in the end, Shirakumo is the one who stands on the top.

Regardless, he does respect the other two, albeit not as much as Shirakumo, due to their closeness to their leader. It is the reason why she trusts those two boys, after all.

So yes, he listens to all of the Reigning Three, and mostly only them.

But if one of the others ever dare to command him around like nothing, he will have them as his target during his next practice.


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