42: Trust

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| Y / N P O V |

The edge of keys digs into the soft flesh of her palm. The pitter-patter of rain against the window soothing, as y/n presses her forehead to the cool tinted window.

It had rained all day, slow at first but at one point when the sun drowned it started pouring hard. It was a chilly day, reflecting her mood.

Cold. numb.

Her mind veered to the past for unknown reason. The day when her life was turned upside down. She was in her room when she had heard her father shouting which was slightly muffled from the four walls of her safe place.

Y/n had walked down with a tight grip on the railing, the voice of her father yelling becoming more profound with her each step.

Her father was yelling red face, veins popping out from his neck and temple as he glared down at her mother. Y/n felt her heartbeat thumping wildly in her chest. It was everyday occurrence, but she never got used to it.

If there's anything she feared, it was her father wrath.

Her father was threating her mother, his intimidating tall form towering over her mother tiny figure, stepping so close her mother had to take a step back.

Y/n felt the air shift, and she braced herself as her daddy dearest looked up, their eyes locked up.

Y/n squared her shoulder, stiffing under his enraged eyes.

He looked at her like he wanted to choke her.

Cutting the eye contact, Her eyes glided to her mother whose eyes were lowered.

Her mother was weak, not mentally but physically. Her mother had told her few days ago about her father arranging her marriage, y/n had refused. Arrange marriage scared her, but more when it was from her father side. Y/n begged her mother to not marry her off, to not arrange her marriage and to request her father to delay it. Had she known her father was going to make another scene, she'll not have put her poor mother in this state.

It was a mistake on her side which will not happen again. But the damage was already done, regretfully.

Her father parted with a last threat of sending her mother back to her parents house if she didn't convince y/n, her, to agree to this marriage. He always did this, threating them.

Y/n breathed out, shaking herself to the present and looking at the cloudy sky.

She remembered the following days after that were hell for her. She only had two weeks of freedom, y/n spent those locked up in her room. The only place she felt free. Her face had paled, and possessed dark circles from the sleepless night.

What's more, the one time she was out was her family was invited to the dinner with her future in-laws. Jungkook had been absent, and while partly relieved it also showed what a jerk of her husband-to-be was.

Disturbing thoughts made her unable to sleep, thus she had to take help from sleeping pills. She didn't knew who her future husband would be, and honestly she didn't care, but despite that she always caught herself thinking if he was an old man with big belly, a shitty personality. She wondered if he'll rape her at their first night, then scoffed internally at stupidity. Of course he will.

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