The Grinch Part II

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, go Wolverine!" Krillin shouted.

"Win this match for us mutants!" A little girl named Storm said as she stood side by side with Nam, who was her protector.

"Mutant Ellie seems to like you Wolverine." Venom said with a smile. "Don't be so moody, otherwise we will call you Mutant Joel."

"It's Wolverine, you got that bub?" Wolverine half threatened, to which Venom gave a salute back.

"So how do we take care of Tri-Kano?" Venom asked, gesturing over to Tien.

"He talked smack to Master Roshi. Let me take a crack at him first." Wolverine answered as he rubbed his fist into his palm. If his bones weren't made of adamantium metal, they would crack.

"If you say so." Goku said as he gave a thumbs up.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let's get this match underway! Get ready to fight in three, tw-" The Tournament Announcer said, but he was forced to stop.

The Earth quaked, the sky crackled with green lightning as the ring was split into two. With Tien and the Tournament Announcer on one side and Wolverine and Goku/Venom on the other, green flames as hot as the Sun's ass erupted from the ground as a shadowy figure rose from the depths. It became obvious to everyone that it was none other than-

"IT'S THE KAMIDAMN GRINCH!!! YOU SEE, YOU SEE! I WAS RIGHT YOU SYMBIOTE DICK CRAVING WHOES!!! I TOLD YOU THE GRINCH WOULD RETURN!!!" Violet said as she dropped her fullarsenal and flipped both Bulma and Launch the bird, each hand for each woman.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's seems that the Grinch has shown up to steal Christmas and enact bloody vengeance on those who wronged him! Spectators are literally dying! Women and children are burning alive, falling into the abysis! Never before has a holiday been torn asunder, aside from Mariah Carey existing of course! I am currently soiling my pants!" The Tournament Announcer shouted as the front of his pants became moist.

"At last mortals, I make my grand return! Beware the dark god as green as fern!" The Grinch shouted, striking a pose quite similar and villainous to Frieza, Merged Zamasu, and Ronald McDonald.

"The Grinch! Your time has come to an end!" Came a brave voice as a shadow of a warrior stood to face down the God of Suess.

"Yamcha!" Puar cried with joy as it was revealed that the Yamcha who stood to challenge the monster of Whoville.

"Prepare for my WOLF FANG FIST!!!!" Yamcha cried as he charged at the Grinch, only to be caught in a chokehold by his green arm.

"You have been brought back by a witch. It won't happen a second time....bitch." The Grinch said as he twisted Yamcha's neck, breaking it. Then, he threw Yamcha's corpse to the side as it landed in its iconic death pose. The crowd was silent for a couple of seconds, only to broken by Violet, who was laughing hysterically.

"He is doing the pose again!!! Quick somebody, take a picture! We need to make this a meme!" Violet shouted in between laughs.

"Are you ready for an alliance?" Wolverine asked Tien.

"Looks like we don't have a choice." Tien said as he, Wolverine, Venom/Goku, Launch/Pistole, Krillin, Bulma/Rescue, Master Roshi, and Colonel Violet all charged at the Grinch. Some fighters like Black Cat, Champa, and Daredevil joined in, but it seemed a bit much for them all. With all their effort, they weren't making a dent against this opponent.

"This Grinch, he is stronger than Demon King Piccolo!" Roshi exclaimed.

"Forget that! The Grinch may grow to be stronger than Thanos!" Violet pointed out.

"You know, the main hero of the Infinity Saga? The guy wiped out half the universe? He played Cable..." Violet mentioned as everyone gave her a confused look. "Oh come on, you know the author plans to bring him in at some point! Probably after GT when we are finished dealing with Baby Vegeta, Super Andriod 17, Ultron, Omega Shenron, and Knull."

"Ignore her!" Bulma shouted as the rest put up their effort, but to no avail.

"Oh no! They look like they are in trouble! What are we going to do dad?!" Harry Osborn asked as he looked towards his father, only to be shocked that he wasn't in the room.

"Now my triumph is near! You will all embrace death's snear!" The Grinch said as he fired a ki blast that would completely destroy the black symbiote and his host. However, fate had other ideas as another blast intercepted it, revealing that it was Green Goblin who saved him.

"You!" Venom sneered, remembering that it was Gobby who had tried to kill him, Tien, and Chiaotzu last night.

"Yes! It is my right to kill you Son Venom! I'll won't let this upstart get to do the deed. Now then, how about we have team up." The Green Goblin said. Venom looked around, finding that the only ones who were still standing were Colonel Violet and Wolverine.

"Fine. Have it your way you rat." Venom barked back.

"Thatta boy!" The Green Goblin said as the two gained up on the Grinch. Between Goku's/Venom's variety of attacks, and the Green Goblin's formidable power and technical prowness, they were able to hold their own.

"It's about time I joined back in." Wolverine declared as he extended his claws, making a three on one match to remember.

"Come on Violet, you got to have something here that will put an end to the Grinch once and for all." Violet shouted at herself as she rummaged through the assortment of weapons she dropped when she gave Bulma and Launch the bird. "Ha! Here we go!"

"It better not be a cop out like the Zeno button!" A random Dragon Ball fan yelled. Because of her power in breaking the forth wall, Violet was able to hear it.

"Oh dear overweight Dragon Ball fan who has nothing better than to send angry tweets all day since they failed to make a meaningful career in life and has to compensate by being a content creator on YouTube." Colonel Violet said as she held a button in her hand. "This is the ultimate copout! Say goodbye to the Zeno button and say hello to-!"

Pressing the button, a figure radiating light was summoned. The Grinch stopped fighting as he looked towards the figure, for the time in his life exhibiting fear.

"That's right ladies and gentlemen! For tonight and tonight only, say hello to the ultimate warrior! It's..." Colonel Violet said as the golden light disappeared, revealing it to be...

"That's right! With great power comes great JOHN CENA!!!" John Cena said, dressed only in a red, white, and blue baseball cap and very tight underwear. To add icing on the cake, he gave an American salute and his cheesy smile.

"No, I refuse to be beat! I will end this sexy wall of meat!" The Grinch said as he powered a Kamehameha, his aura sending the shocked trio of marvels away.

"Prepare for my CENA FIST! America bitch!" John Cena shouted as he used his own version of Super Saiyan 4 Goku's Dragon Fist, with the only difference being was that the image of Shenron's face was replaced with John Cena's goofy grin.

Proving the Grinch's Kamehameha useless, it managed to punch through his torso, making him jet off into the sun where he will be burnt alive.

John Cena had prevailed.

"That's it folks! The winner has been decided! The winner of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament is John Cena!" The Tournament Announcer declared, making the remaining survivors cheer.

"So, did we beat the Grinch?" Wolverine asked Violet.

"'s not over. The Grinch will be back next Christmas. I know it." Violet said as she looked up towards the depths of space.

Somewhere, on the other side of the Sun...

The Grinch's crisp body floats int the depths of space, beaten. It was as if all life had been burned away, along with his soul. It was only then by his new and deep-seated hatred for the one called Colonel Violet that his eyes began to twitch, and then

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