Extra-All About Spin Off!

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Hey, you made it to the end of the story, congrats!

For a little bonus, I thought of sharing some more info on Spin Off along with some facts!

Here's his ref sheet:

                                                                                       Fun Facts:

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                                                                                       Fun Facts:

                                                                        •His favorite food is PB&J
                                                          •He's 24, yet acts like a stereotypical 90s kid.                      
•He used to be one of my OC's roommates, but after an incident involving ketchup, a microwave and a bowl of
                                                             water, he was promptly kicked out.
                                                  •Despite wearing all yellow, his favorite color is orange.
                                              •Why he has one eye is unknown, even Spin Off doesn't know.

                               I apologize for there not being many facts by the way, I'm still trying to flesh him out

                                But otherwise, thanks for reading and I hope you liked this little short story I wrote!

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