Chapter 2-Something's Not Right

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"What the hell?" Right before Jim's eyes, the footage suddenly started playing backwards right after the theme song, making it sound slightly creepy. "I could've sworn that this thing still worked..." Jim took the remote and hit the fast forward, only to discover that it was playing like normal, somehow.

"Oh, come on!" He snapped as he took out the tape a second time. "This can't keep happening. Maybe it's a VCR issue..." He went behind his TV and unplugged the VCR, then plugged it back in. And after Jim put the VHS back in, what do ya know. Same reversed theme song. "Oh, goddamnit!" He growled, "What's wrong with this thing?! I swear, I'm taking this tape back to Harold and he'll-"

"Woah, looks like someone's got some technical issues going on here!"

"Who said that?!" Jim turned around and looked at the TV screen; The background was pitch black and the only thing that accompanied it was some sort of ghost, or at least it looked like a ghost albeit the one large, black eye in the middle of their face. They also wore the most stereotypical 90s outfit Jim had ever seen: backwards cap, a windbreaker, and one of those graphic tees you'd get at county fairs. All in yellow. Their 'hair' (if you could even call it that) was white and looked like they had the worst case of bed head there ever was.

"What do ya mean, 'Who said that?'" The ghost snarked. "It's me!" Jim looked at his tv screen in confusion. How was this even possible? Was he dreaming? "Okay...Can you at least tell me who you are?" "Guess!" "Ugh, I don't know...Daniel?" "Close! It's Duncan, but my friends call me Spin Off! It's totally radical meeting someone like you!" "Uh...It's totally radical meeting you too..." Jim replied, still bewildered at what was happening.

Never in his life would Jim think he would talk to a ghost, but here he was.

Yard sales suck, Actually.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat