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"No!" He heard Speck cry, biting his brother's bony ridge between the eyes. "Get up, please!"

They were stuck here. And there was nobody left to save them.

"HELP!" Speck sobbed, roaring erratically into the distant night for a longsnout voice. A roar returned, but not hers; Riptide's heart sank as he recognized the noise. With a shift in his skull, the male watched a plume of smoke and ash charging down the mountainside toward them. It uprooted trees and rock and smothered any creature that stood in its way. Once more did Riptide glance over at his mortal wound and Speck's broken leg, before closing his eyes in defeat.

"Help..." Speck's cries softened against the smoke, turning his majestic cry into a croaking, coughing fit. "P-Please..."

I'm so sorry, Speck... Riptide whimpered, shaking his head. His little brother turned back, wild in the eyes. He hoped he had an answer; in times like this, Riptide was the smartest creature he knew. So he waited, watching the older longsnout shudder quietly, then lock eyes with him. Speck expected something around the lines of a hidden gorge, or a cave near their resting spot. It seemed promising enough; most of those locations were buried in a memory he once worshiped. But what his brother whispered instead seemed to grow from someplace else. A place he hoped never to see. "L-Look at me, Speck."

Speck's stomach writhed. What?

"J-Just..." Riptide groaned, baring his fangs to the darkness. "P-Please... look at me..."

Speck started tearing up. "N-No..."

"Look at me, Speck!" Riptide barked, tears bursting in his eyes. "Look... at me."

In that instant, Speck understood. His tail lowered. His jaws parted. That look of fear turned to dread in his eyes, a sight that scarred Riptide as he lay crippled. The ground shivered underneath another horrible roar, enticing Speck to whirl his head to the terrifying sight.

"Don't..." Riptide forced his eyes open, trying to seek the orbs of his little brother. "Just me."

Speck broke into a sob; it wasn't making things any better. The green longsnout relaxed his muscles, smiling just briefly at the terrified longsnout and pushing out a claw to feel him. One reaction later, and Speck's fears escalated.

"N-No..." Speck sobbed in fear. "No, I-I don't want to go yet."

Riptide bowed his head, trying not to cry.

"I d-didn't... make you... p-proud!"

"You always have," Riptide forced out, coughing blood from his muzzle. "And you always will, little... brother..."

A terrible tremor began rocking them back and forth, growing stronger and stronger every second. In the distance they could hear the wretched screech of the volcanic flow plowing toward them, tearing the earth apart and everything that lived upon it. The noises continued to terrorize the youngster, but Riptide's heavy grip and soothing licks urged Speck to silence. As the blood continued spilling from his maw, he pushed Speck's head against his heart to listen. And the youngster whined, louder, and louder, frantically begging the stars to wake him up from this.

"S-Shhh..." Riptide started feeling weary, his grip on Fossil's scales starting to loosen. "I-It's okay." He nuzzled his brother again and again. "Everything will... be okay. J-Just don't let me go..."

Thump... Thump...





The pain started to recede for Riptide, but he kept still in Speck's clutches. He didn't want to leave him. With one last bit of effort, his tail wrapped around the saurian in a tight squeeze, and he leaned down to give up one more lick on the trembling youngster's forehead. "D-Don't be a-afraid. It's okay, Speck... It's—"



Riptide hesitated. He didn't feel Speck beneath him anymore, just an emptiness. His head turned to look at the volcano; it, too, had ceased. As had the entire world, much to his bewilderment. Confused, the elder longsnout turned back around, noticing a strange bony-like claw pressed against his flank. His eyes slowly followed up the structure.

And saw me.

I'm so sorry, longsnout.


"Awrrr..." Riptide groaned suddenly, his head slumping lifelessly against Speck's shoulder. Speck opened his eyes, turning to his elder brother in concern. His grip had loosened, tail and all. And his heartbeat... where did it go?

"R-Riptide?" Speck nudged his brother. There was no response.

"Riptide?! Riptide!" Speck nuzzled him furiously, struggling to hold back a sob. "N-No! Don't go!"


An echo resounded above them as a massive circular shape started descending toward the two longsnouts. But Speck didn't care. Not of the monster in the sky, nor the burning cloud nearly a treeline away from him. Over and over did Speck try to bring back his brother, but nothing seemed to rouse him. And nothing would.

Don't be afraid.

Speck's pupils shrank once his attention turned to the forest, watching a wall of Death charge at him. He bravely stepped in front of his brother, facing the coming end with tears in his eyes.

The pyroclastic flow roared in ferocity, ready to claim the second longsnout. Speck lashed his tail and snarled. His hind foot slammed on the ground protectively and his tail elevated, all preparation measures to roar at the terror charging full speed at him. But he never could be ready for the end... not so soon. And he never would.


Just before he let go, a beam of white light struck him from above. At the same time, a burst of wind plowed into his spine, before the turmoil of heat and ash slammed him violently to the floor.

There was red. And then came nothing.

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