Chapter 1

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Cry P.O.V

The high pitched ringing of a phone woke me up at an unearthly hour. The early morning rays were shining in though the curtains, casting long shadows across my bedroom floor. I rolled out of bed with a loud groan, mumbling under my breath.

Who the hell calls at five in the morning? I thought as I picked up the phone. I’d only gone to bed an hour ago.

“Hello?” I answered. My voice was deep and thick with sleep.

“Hello please may I speak with Chaotic Monki?” a man replied.

“Yeah, speaking... but you can call me Cry,” I told the voice and scratched the back of my neck. I frowned, wondering who this could be. “Eh... who is this?”

“Well Cry, I’m calling to inform you that you’re application to take part in ‘Experience2013’ has been accepted.” My eyes widened and I gripped the phone tightly.

“Really?” I asked. The drowsiness disappeared suddenly as excitement began to take over. Had I really gotten in? Surely it was too soon for them to reply ... I’d only sent in the application two weeks ago. I guess they chose the contestants quickly.

“Yes really. All the information you need has been emailed to you. All you need to do it confirm you’re place,” the man instructed.

“Wow that’s awesome... thanks man.”

I stood grinning to myself as I thought about what this meant. Being part of the first ever ‘Experience’ competition could possibly be the best thing to ever happen to me. It was about time I caught a break.

Honestly, I would have never even thought about taking part in such a thing if it hadn’t been for my little brother, Nathan, nagging me to and telling me that I couldn’t give up on my dream of getting into the gaming world. Like always, he was right. How could I just give up?

Now, if by some miracle, I managed to win ‘Experience2013’ I wouldn’t have to worry about a thing. It would be like a free pass into the world of games and adventure and that just what I need.

“Nathan!” I called once I’d hung up the phone. I didn’t care it was so early. I needed to tell someone.

PewDie’s P.O.V

“What? I’ve gotten in?!” I yelled down the phone as my place in ‘Experience2013’ was confirmed. I couldn’t believe this.

This is big... this is HUGE! I couldn’t help but snigger, making a ‘that’s what she said’ joke.

“Yes, you sure have,” the woman from the other end chirped. “With a name like PewDiePie it would be hard for us to say no,” the woman added and let out a small chuckle but I was too thrilled to take notice, too busy imagining what it would be like, living in a house with six other gamers, competing to win... something. I didn’t actually know what the prize was. In fact no one did, it was a total secret, only revealed once a winner was found, and of course, I thought that made the competition even more amazing.

“So when does it start?” I asked the woman on the phone. Hopefully it’ll be soon, I can’t wait to get started.

“In about three weeks, all the details will be emailed to you,” she explained but as she spoke I began to wonder something.

“Erm... who else has been chosen?” I asked, curiosity taking the better of me as it always did. Maybe it was someone I’ve heard of.

“Oh no, I can’t tell you that. That’s all part of the game,” she replied.

PewDieCry: ExperienceWhere stories live. Discover now