One World, One People

43 2 17

Ellie and Bucky put on their gear and prepared to head downtown for a fight. They knew something would happen soon, but they didn't expect it to be two days after they got back to the apartment. In the background, the newscaster spoke on the television.

"There's a complete lockdown at the GRC meeting in Lower Manhattan. Where authorities are saying they're tracking multiple threats from groups seeking to stop the GRC's vote on global resettlement."

"Very thoughtful of them to choose Manhattan, makes it easier for us," Ellie commented. She reentered the living room from their bedroom and placed her blade hilts on her belt.

"Who, the GRC or Flag Smashers?" Bucky asked.

"Both." Ellie sat down and laced up her boots.

"There is a no-fly zone in effect and the NYPD has the area secured for the moment. Everyone is urged to stay clear."

Ellie grabbed her keys and Bucky walked to the door with his boots unlaced, he would worry about them on the drive there. They didn't bother to take the elevator and thought it would be faster to head down the stairs to the parking garage below their apartment building. Besides, it would allow them to stretch their legs before they jumped into action. As Ellie and Bucky got in the car, they put in their earpieces and connected to the comms.

"Sam, we're live," Ellie said.

"Great, I'm flying downtown," Sam replied.

"We'll be there soon." Bucky kicked his feet up to the dash so that he could tie his boots.

Ellie started the car, left the garage, and drove down the street. Not many people were outside, per the lockdown and the message to stay clear of the area. But as they got closer to downtown, people were crowding the sidewalks and streets to leave the premises, and police lights were seen further down the road. Ellie parked the car as close as she could to the site and she and Bucky began to walk.

"I'm almost there," Sam alerted them over the comms.

Bucky tilted his head towards the sky in case he might see Sam flying in. "What's the plan?"

"Karli's gotta be close," Sam answered. "Keep your eyes open."

"Well, it could be anybody," Bucky said. 

"Who knows how many more people she pulled into their cause these last few days," Ellie added. 

The area was guarded heavily by armed officers. Many of them had guns pointed toward the upper windows of the GRC building. As Bucky and Ellie approached the line of police tape, the officers who kept guard stood aside to let them pass.

"Sergeant Barnes," one of them greeted.

Ellie smiled to herself, it was a nice change for Bucky to be addressed properly. He deserved that.

"Corporal Flint," one of the officers stopped Ellie. She almost didn't respond as it had been a long time since someone had referred to her by her military rank. "Our security cameras picked up the presence of an individual." Ellie furrowed her brow in question but a part of her told her she might already know. "We identified the individual as former SHIELD Agent, Henry Reed."

Ellie felt her breath catch. She knew that he would be there, but having the fact confirmed gave her anxiety. Although, Ellie wasn't sure if he was there for Karli or her. Maybe he was there for both. Kill two birds with one stone. Ellie drew in a breath to steady herself and gave a nod. 

"He is someone we need to keep an eye out for, he's a former HYDRA Agent," she explained. The officers glanced at each other with worried and exasperated looks. "Where was he last seen?"

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