35: Long distances

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23rd December

5 weeks of teaching went by quickly. Y/n and Fei definitely got closer during the programme and y/n even had a few new friends who were student teachers at the programme. Since it was the last day of the programme, the student teachers only had to teach until 1.30pm that day. When their final teaching lesson was done, the organizer gathered all the student teachers and announced that the programme was successful and how they were opening up lessons for the poor children to learn Chinese for free. Once the teenagers were dismissed, they all went out for lunch at a restaurant in the central to celebrate.

"5 weeks in this programme has been fun getting to know you guys and teach the poor." One of the teenagers Valerie, who was half American half Chinese started.

"Indeed, spending time with you guys has been great. Even my English has improved too." Another Chinese boy spoke.

"I'm heading back to Paris tonight, I'm going to miss you guys a lot." Y/n spoke.

"来吧,我们拍个合照记住这个记忆。Pinyin: Lái ba, wǒ men pāi gè hé zhào jì zhù zhè ge jì yì (Translation: Come on, let's take a group photo to remember this memory)" One girl spoke as everyone gathered around to take a few pictures. After hanging out for almost the whole afternoon, the teenagers separated ways and wished each other luck in the future.

"Gee, I'm really going to miss everyone, especially Jia Yi (嘉怡), the one who asked to take a group photo." Y/n sighed.

"Well, I'm going to miss having another unrelated sister in Shanghai." Fei had an arm around y/n as the two girls walked back to Uncle Wang's restaurant. Once the girls reached the restaurant, they headed to their bedroom to rest a while. At the same time, y/n started packing her things

"I can call the same driver who picked you up from the airport 5 weeks ago to send you to the airport tonight." Fei insisted.

"Thanks." Y/n smiled. "What are you going to do now since the programme is over and some of the student teachers have to go back since some are from different parts of China and the world?" She asked.

"Well, some of them live in Shanghai so I can hang out with them. Most importantly, I still have your uncle's restaurant to help out in." Fei replied.

"Oh, I see." Y/n sighed.

"What about you, what are you going to do when you return back to Paris? Other than spending Christmas with your family." Fei asked.

"I have to choose a career path. I'll be getting my results from my major exam next year but when I get them, I have to choose a college to go to." Y/n replied.

"Oh, what are you going to do?" Fei asked.

"I'm still deciding between marine biology or being a makeup artist." Y/n replied.

"Ooh, marine biology sounds interesting." Fei commented.

"Yeah, but if I want to get into the course I need to get really good results." Y/n sighed.

"I'm sure you'll do alright." Fei reassured as y/n smiled. She then remembered she needed to call Marinette to explain her plan of surprising everyone. Y/n turned on her computer and tried to video call Marinette.

"Hey little sis, any news about the programme?" Marinette asked.

"Is there anyone with you right now?" Y/n asked.

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