19: Sleepover at the Couffaine's

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Sleepovers. It has been a while since the twins and their friends had a sleepover. The girls had a sleepover at almost everyone's house except for Juleka's, and one night, the girls finally decided to do it. Before the start of their school vacation (Or school holiday), the group decided to host the long-awaited sleepover at Juleka's house.

"Remember girls, 5pm at Jules's house so we could play some games." Rose reminded as everyone nodded.

"Wait, but where will we be sleeping?" Zoe asked.

"We'll decide on that later when everyone is at the house, see you girls later!" Rose replied as she left the group.

"See you guys later, Mari and I have some packing to do." Y/n say as she dragged her sister home. She knew she was really excited to see Luka again even though they went out for lunch during the week once already.

"Since it's the weekend tomorrow, we should go hang out somewhere." Y/n insisted.

"Tell that to the girls later, then we'll figure out what to do tomorrow." Marinette say. "But just to be clear, Luka won't be coming." She continued as y/n sulked.

"What, you two went out for lunch on Tuesday already" Marinette said. She then knew what was going on. "Wait, I know, you have a crush on Luka, do you?" Marinette asked.

"Me? Crushing on Luka? Nah, he's just a really good friend." Y/n lied, even though it has been almost 2 months she's been dating Luka behind everyone's backs. A/n: Lmao, this reminds me of that Adrien scene when he, Kagami, Marinette and Luka went ice skating. 'Me? Going after Marinette? No, she's just a friend.' She just felt that it was a little too early to tell everyone even though a small group of people know about them being a thing. Y/n looked around at her room and started to pack everything she needed for the night.

"Wait, I have some online notes to finish up, maybe I should bring my laptop and laptop charger too." Y/n muttered as she packed her laptop and laptop charger in her computer bag.

"Are you done yet?" Marinette asked.

"Almost." Y/n replied as she packed the last piece of clothing in her bag before leaving her room.

"Have fun at your sleepover girls." Tom wished.

"Stay safe my girls." Sabine added.

"We will, see you tomorrow mom and dad." Marinette and y/n waved to their parents as they left for Juleka's house. When the twins reached the doorstep of Juleka's house, they were greeted by Juleka's mother.

"Marinette, y/n, how have you two been?" Anarka asked, inviting the girls in.

"We've been alright." Marinette replied.

"You guys can put your things in Juleka's room, we were just about to turn on a movie." Alya say as the girls went up to put their bags down. Y/n took a peek into Luka's room to see if he was in but surprisingly, he wasn't in.

'Weird, where did this dork go to?' Y/n thought.

"What movie do you guys suggest we watch?" Zoe asked, looking through the different options.

"How bout we watch a series all of us has never watched before?" Y/n suggested.

"Oh, that would be great, what do you suggest?" Rose asked.

"Have you guys watched XO Kitty? It came out not too long ago." Juleka asked.

"I haven't finished one episode of it." Alya replied.

"Y/n and I have never watched it before. We don't have the time to do it." Marinette replied. Mylene, Rose and Alix replied, "We've never watched it either."

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