34: Leaving Paris for a while

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Once y/n and Luka reached a bench near the Eiffel Tower, they sat down in silence.

"This night has been amazing babe, I really enjoyed it. I still can't believe I'm being crowned homecoming queen." Y/n started. Luka sighed and said, "Do you remember at the start of the year where a certain someone said that we should go to the homecoming dance as friends?" The flashback came in on the night of their first phone call.

"Oh, do you guys do end of the year dances?" Y/n asked.

"We do, every year we go to the same girls only school but this year we might be heading to this mixed school called Françoise Dupont High." Luka replied.

"Oh, no way, I study there. We should totally go as friends." Y/n said.

"We totally should." Luka agreed.

"I guess now we've been more than just friends for 8 months already and we went to homecoming as a couple instead of friends." Y/n chuckled as the two fell silent again.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" Luka asked. Y/n sighed as she turned to Luka and replied, "Right, I forgot. Listen, I hope you won't be too upset by this but..." Luka's eyes immediately widened but y/n knew what he thought and was quick to say, "It's not that, I have something else to tell you."

"If you're not here to breakup with me then what's this all about?" Luka asked. Y/n messed up Luka's hair and replied, "You dork, I love you and we're never breaking up."

"Remember the video call I had with Marinette in June?" Y/n started as Luka nodded.

"Back in Shanghai where my mom was born, I was offered a job by one of Marinette's new friend where teens my age could teach the children who can't afford to go to school Chinese." Y/n explained.

"And you accepted it?" Luka asked as y/n nodded.

"It was offered to Marinette at first but she gave that job to me because she knew my Chinese was more fluent than hers." Y/n explained.

"I'm glad you're doing the right thing babe, when are you leaving for Shanghai?" Luka asked.

"Tomorrow, my flight is at 11am." Y/n replied. Luka stood up and gasped, "And you're only telling me right now?" Y/n started laughing as Luka calmed himself down before sitting down again.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I just didn't know how to." Y/n apologized.

"It's alright, I'm just shocked that you're leaving tomorrow. We were having so much fun moments ago and you're leaving tomorrow." Luka apologized too.

"Communicating for us might be difficult though, because I would be out for the whole day of lessons and only would be back at night and you know how sometimes long-distance doesn't work out for most people." Y/n started to hallucinate.

"Hey, hey, babe, it'll be alright I swear. If we can video call, we'll video call, and we will spend every second of the video call talking about each other's day, okay? You know how strong our bond is when it comes to video calls." Luka reassured as y/n nodded slowly. "You will be back for Christmas, right?" He asked.

"Yes, but I'm not sure when the program ends yet." Y/n replied.

"That's okay, I'll wait for you. Because I want this Christmas to be special for the both of us." Luka cupped y/n's face with one hand before leaning in for a deep, long kiss, stroking y/n's hair with the free hand. The two shared a kiss under the moonlight by the cannel before y/n had to go home to prepare for her mission in Shanghai the next day.

The next day...

After the news spread to everyone y/n knew, all her friends came to the airport to send y/n off. In Shanghai during November and December usually, the temperatures would drop but it won't snow unlike in Paris. Y/n made sure she packed a lot of comfortable, long-sleeved clothes so that she wouldn't suffer in the cold. As y/n reached the airport with her family, her friends were already there, waiting for her.

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