34: Leaving Paris for a while

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"Safe travels y/n, you're doing the right thing by helping the poor." Alya started her well wishes, followed by everyone else in her friend group. When it came to Zoe, Zoe smiled, "Chloe asked me to send her well wishes to you too."

"Tell Chloe I said thanks. We'll talk soon Zo." Y/n hugged her best friend before moving on to Luka.

"Safe flight my homecoming queen." Luka pulled y/n for a hug and planted a kiss on her forehead at the same time.

"Don't get too upset my pookie bear." Y/n smiled, booping Luka's nose.

"God, I hate that nickname so much." Luka sighed as y/n chuckled.

"I'll miss you babe." Y/n wrapped her arms around Luka, hugging him tight for while. After letting go, y/n moved on to say goodbye to her family.

"Aww, the little bird is leaving the nest." Tom started, on the verge of tears.

"Mom, dad, I'll be alright, I'll call home whenever I can." Y/n hugged both of her parents as both parents started sobbing.

"Mom, dad, don't cry, I'm going to cry too." Y/n say, holding back her tears. She then moved on to her other half Marinette who was smiling and nodding at her. Adrien was beside her, comforting her to hold in her tears.

"I'm really going to miss you Marinette." Y/n finally broke down as she hugged her sister tightly. Marinette patted her back and consoled her, "I'm gonna miss you too little sis. Fei and Uncle Wang will take good care of you when you're in Shanghai."

"Have a safe flight y/n. I'll take of Marinette the next few weeks." Adrien wished as y/n separated from Marinette.

"Don't forget about Luka too, he's going to be extremely lonely when I'm not in." Y/n added as Adrien nodded. When it was time, y/n grabbed her small check-in luggage and went through the departure hall. Turning back, she waved at everyone who came to send her off one last time before officially going in. A task now awaits for y/n in Shanghai.


Time in Shanghai: 16.50

Despite a long flight, y/n managed to get through the whole flight by flipping though her Chinese notes and reading through the words and would watch a few movies on the in-flight entertainment system. When the plane touched down in Shanghai's international airport, the passengers got up from their seats to stretch for their bags. After y/n made it through immigration, she was asked to lookout for a man that held a sign which said her Chinese name in which they'll bring her to Uncle Wang's restaurant.

"When you touchdown in Shanghai, look out for a man holding a sign with your Chinese name. They'll drive you to Uncle Wang's restaurant to meet me and Uncle Wang there." Fei mentioned over the call before y/n boarded the plane. "Oh, and just to be safe, you should show the man your passport so that he knows it's you." She added.

"Thanks Fei, see you soon." Y/n say.

"See you soon, safe flight y/n." Fei wished as she hung up.

As soon as y/n caught sight of a sign with her Chinese name, she went over them and showed them her passport to confirm it was her. After verifying, the man escorted y/n to a van where the van took her to Uncle Wang's restaurant. A/n: If y'all want to know what y/n's Chinese name looks like, its '疏椿 Shuchun'. It's a little random because I just combined two different words together which means 'pure beauty'. I know on Google Translate it translates to nothing but on a Chinese name generator it means pure beauty so I decided to use it.

After almost two hours on the road, y/n finally reached her uncle's restaurant. As she exited the van, she thanked the driver in her mother tongue before stepping into the restaurant. The restaurant was rather quiet with no customers coming in yet.

"Y/n, you made it!" Fei pounced onto y/n as the two shared a hug.

"Hi Fei, I finally get to meet you." Y/n greeted. Fei kept gushing about how pretty y/n was in real life while Uncle Wang came out from the kitchen as he greeted, "Greetings my younger niece."

"Uncle Wang, how have you been?" Y/n asked, giving her uncle a hug.

"I've been alright, what has the younger blueberry been up to?" Uncle Wang asked.

"School and hanging out with my friends mostly." Y/n replied.

"You can bunk with me y/n." Fei insisted as she brought y/n to the room where she stayed at. It was rather small but there were two separate beds and a table in the middle which separates the beds.

"I hope it's alright for you." Fei asked.

"I could get used to it for the next few weeks." Y/n replied as she settled down on her bed. "So, when do we go over to teach the children?" She asked.

"We have to get up early tomorrow to report to the community club near here for breakfast before welcoming the students. Rest assured, tomorrow is a lowkey day since it's orientation day which is you know playing games with the kids." Fei explained.

"How early do we have to get up exactly?" Y/n asked.

"7am, the orientation starts at 7.30 and since we live near the community club, we can relax and wake up a little later." Fei replied.

"What time do we end on average every day?" Y/n asked.

"Since tomorrow is just orientation only, we should end at 1 in the afternoon. But when the program actually starts, we'll be ending at 5pm." Fei replied.

"Gee, I'm glad tomorrow is a lowkey day, what should we do tomorrow after we're done?" Y/n asked.

"I could take you around Shanghai so you can get used to the area." Fei insisted. Y/n agreed as she and Fei continued getting to know each other more. Y/n got used to her new room and the place when she and Fei were called for dinner a few moments later. Calling home was hard for y/n since the time difference between Paris and Shanghai was 6 hours apart. If it was past 8pm in Shanghai, it was already past midnight in Paris. However, there was a period of time where y/n could try and call home which was when it was 7am in Shanghai since it would be 1 in the afternoon back in Paris, but she wasn't sure if she was able to wake up early at that time during the weekends to call home. 

Word count: 1785

she is the best thing that's ever been mineWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt