Chapter Twenty-Five

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The next day, Christy is in the courtyard, sitting at the table on her iBook g4 laptop on FaceTime chat with Gia.

The next day, Christy is in the courtyard, sitting at the table on her iBook g4 laptop on FaceTime chat with Gia

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{Christy's Outfit}

"Maxy has been keeping an eye on me, making sure that I eat and drink nutrition while pregnancy." Gia said on the laptop screen FaceTime chat.

"Have you been going to your appointments with Callahan and Keelin?" Christy asked.

"Yeah, Max and I have an appointment with Callahan in a few minutes. We're getting an ultrasound." Gia said.

"Aww. So sweet." Christy said.

Gia and Christy exchange chuckles with each other. And then, Max pops up in the video chat.

"Hello, Christy." Max greeted.

"Hi, Max." Christy greeted back her childhood best friend.

"Christy? Max and I have to leave, but I'll see you when I come by the compound." Gia said.

"Okay. Love you, Gia." Christy said.

"Love you too, Christy." Gia said.

And Christy hangs up her FaceTime and gently closes her laptop.



Later on that day, Ismene and Christy are in the lounge room.

"So, what is your agenda for today?" Ismene asked Christy, pouring herself a goblet of red water from a brass pitcher.

"Klaus and I has planned a romantic date at the lagoon." Christy told her Auntie Ismene, gently sitting on the hammock.

"Sounds lovely." Ismene said to Christy with a small smile, taking a swig of her goblet of her red wine. "You know, when you were a little baby, Cyrus and I peeked into your bassinet. You small smiled at your Uncle and I."

"I know how much you and Uncle Cyrus loves me, Auntie Ismene. I love you guys too." Christy said.

"Cyrus and I knows." Ismene said.

Ismene and Christy exchange small smiles at each other.

"For your romantic date, may I suggest you wear something beautiful." Ismene said.

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