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Mingyu's brain started to acquaint itself with various question marks as he held his head, feeling an intense pain, as if his brain would scatter and mix with the dark seawater.

"Where's Wonwoo?"

"Where's my wallet?"

"Wher's my car key?"

His semi-conscious logic influenced how he forced himself to run to where he had parked his car. And he found that his precious vehicle had vanished into thin air. Many negative thoughts swirled in his head, and Wonwoo was among the sea of negativity. So he grabbed his phone from another pocket of his pants and immediately called Wonwoo.

Elsewhere, Wonwoo's cellphone placed on the car dashboard vibrated. Hoshi's eyes spontaneously stared at the name displayed on the screen, and he ended up rolling his eyes. Wonwoo reached for it, pausing as if considering something.

"Are you still going to answer calls from that relationship-ruiner?" There was a hint of annoyance that Wonwoo could sense from Hoshi's sentence. Still, Wonwoo made a decision, indifferent to that statement. He swiped his thumb across the screen. Hoshi groaned in disgust. He was disgusted with moments when he spent time alone with Wonwoo; Mingyu always called. And he had to patiently endure the evident jealousy every time he listened to the conversation between Wonwoo and Mingyu across from him. Still feeling jealous even though Wonwoo had told him a thousand times that the lovey-dovey sentences he said to Mingyu were all fake.

"Wonwoo. Why did you leave me alone here? And did you take my wallet and car key?" Mingyu sounded hurried. There was a heavy, rushing breath that Wonwoo could hear from the other side. Mingyu didn't even let Wonwoo greet him first.

"Yes." Wonwoo answered, not needing to be descriptive.

"What have you done? And what are you going to do? What's wrong with you?" Now Mingyu asked in astonishment.

"I love someone else. I'm getting married." Wonwoo replied calmly as if saying that he loves and will marry someone else to his lover was the most normal thing on earth.

"Wait. Didn't you once say that I'm the man you love the most?"

"No. You're so foolish to believe my words so easily."

Mingyu felt deeply offended, of course. He only now realized how foolish he was to be easily deceived by his lover. "What about our marriage?"

"It will never happen."

"What did you say?" Mingyu was truly heartbroken and disappointed. Wonwoo had torn Mingyu's heart into irreparable pieces. He thought he could understand Wonwoo all this time. Turns out he didn't truly understand him. And never knew a big secret that Wonwoo finally revealed from his own mouth.

"I will never forget you. You've done so much for me. But for you, forget about me. I'm truly useless, you know that."

"No, Wonwoo. Don't say that. Please come back to me. You know I can make your life much better."

And Wonwoo felt there was nothing more to say now. Everything was clear. So he disconnected without giving any other reply to Mingyu. He turned off the phone, took out his provider card, and broke it. He didn't want Mingyu to try to contact him again forever.

"We have to quickly withdraw all the money from his credit card before he blocks it from his location."

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Mingyu tried to call Wonwoo again. But the answering machine was the one that picked up.

Sorry, the number you're trying to reach is not registered. Please check the number again.

Mingyu reflexively slammed his phone because he felt too frustrated. No, more precisely, he was angry. He was too angry. Then there was a sense of regret in him for breaking his communication device into pieces. Destruction similar to his heart at the moment.

He couldn't go home alone because Wonwoo had taken his car. He had to take a taxi.

Then he remembered that he didn't have money to pay for the taxi (taxis there have a system to pay in advance, so he couldn't tell the taxi driver that he would pay when he arrived home later). That means he couldn't go home and had to look for accommodation.

But if he didn't have the fare to go home, what made him think he had more money to pay for accommodation? It meant he had to contact his parents to send him a ride.

Then he stared blankly at the fragments of his cellphone resulting from his anger earlier. How would he contact his parents? Oh, of course, he would use the payphone facilities there.

But he had to remember that he currently didn't have a single penny.

So very reluctantly, he had to walk and become a vagabond for ten kilometers. Unless, during his journey, he found a passing vehicle that would kindly give him a free ride. Or at least a house that would allow him to stay overnight for free. Well, he hoped his handsome face would make people not think twice about helping him.

So, in the end, Mingyu didn't get Wonwoo. One of the most precious things he had yearned for over the years. Something that made him sacrifice everything, whatever it was. On the other hand, something that discarded him.

While Wonwoo got what he had dreamed of all this time. Marrying Hoshi, living happily, forever.

Well, that's what he expected. But everything didn't go as he hoped.

He got a married life filled with fights. For the classic reason of the existence of a third person from Hoshi's side.

Hoshi wasn't a good guy. Hoshi wasn't someone Wonwoo wanted.

There was regret in Wonwoo for leaving the greatest fortune in the form of a good man like Mingyu. And now he felt like going back into Mingyu's embrace and trying to love him. Well, of course, he would come back to Mingyu if he had no dignity or shame. Even though he did have those traits from the beginning when he took advantage of all the kindness Mingyu gave him.

If only Wonwoo knew. And if only he wanted to try to go back to Mingyu.

Because in fact, until now. Mingyu didn't move anywhere. He remained in his place. Spreading both arms, providing an empty space for someone so special to him.

He still, and will always, wait for Wonwoo.


Money Makes You $mile 💲 Meanie [⏹]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें