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Wonwoo wasn't the type of guy who enjoyed small talk. It wasn't a likable trait, as people generally prefer those who are more friendly. But Wonwoo didn't care; that's just how he behaved. He wasn't bothered by people's opinions of him. At least there was Mingyu, a man who would always accept and love Wonwoo no matter what. So, in essence, Wonwoo didn't like small talk, and that's why when he parked the car next to a house, he sent a message like this to Hoshi.

Get out and get into the car. Right now.

Others reading the message could feel the cold tone accompanying it, even when Wonwoo didn't vocalize it verbally. No sweetness at all, Hoshi thought.

But regardless of how cold and flat Wonwoo might be, just like Mingyu, Hoshi would still love Wonwoo.

Hoshi loved Wonwoo.

Jeon Wonwoo, his lover.

His future legitimate spouse.

Without eliminating the long deadline, Wonwoo moved to the passenger seat when he saw Hoshi emerging. Letting Hoshi take the wheel for the night because Wonwoo was too tired with his day. Perhaps since the beginning, he could remember at the age of three, precisely three years before entering kindergarten.

Hoshi, understanding this, promptly entered the driver's seat. Starting the car, shifting the gear lever to the appropriate position, pressing the clutch and gas pedals slowly, driving the vehicle.

"We need to speed up our marriage," Wonwoo said immediately before his car would truly cut through the empty streets of the metropolitan capital at night.

"Oh... what's wrong, dear? Why are you suddenly in such a hurry? Are you really that impatient?"

Their relationship was not approved by both sets of parents because of the bad history between them. They had no intention of having any relationship other than that. They wouldn't allow their sons to be bound, automatically connecting two families into one complete family. Wonwoo's parents only approved of his relationship with Mingyu. Kim Mingyu was a good man who could guide Wonwoo to a better life in the future. But Wonwoo didn't care about that. Wonwoo had wasted that good man, a man who never knew Hoshi's name behind their relationship. No, Hoshi was Wonwoo's true lover, and Mingyu was just a tool. A useful tool or money machine, at least that's how Wonwoo saw him.

So, with steps through the car that would now carry Wonwoo and Hoshi, they would elope. Leaving their respective families and living together in a place far away, happily, forever. Yes, that's what they hoped for.

Earlier, Wonwoo had explained through a chat message to Hoshi that he had given Mingyu a special drink. Whatever drug or poison Wonwoo mixed into the drink, Mingyu hadn't opened his eyes until now.

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