Chapter 14 Defeat M's Paradox

Start from the beginning

They looked surprised by his raw strength. Emu's red eyes disappeared after hearing someone's laugh. The genius gamer turned around to see Parado sitting comfortably on the statue.

"Genm, this isn't what you promised." Parado commented while swinging his legs. "I don't forgive those who get in the way of my fun. Even you." He chuckled while Kuroto looked away. "M, play with me next time! Invite Moon too! It's too bad Moon didn't join in with us today."

"Eh?" Emu looked confused and wondered what he meant.

The CEO and male Bugster left the game world while the others went to the real world. Emu immediately aids Hiiro.

"Hiiro-san, are you alright?" Emu asked the genius surgeon worriedly.

Hiiro shoves his hand away and manages to stand. "If you're taking pity on me... then no thank you." He spoke coldly.

"I'll get your Gashat's back somehow." Emu vowed to retrieve the Gashat back. "Thank you very much." He bowed his head at Hiiro.

Hiiro looked confused and wondered why he thanked him for. "Thanks to you, I figured something out about the patient." Emu explained and left him alone at the rooftop.

Hiiro stared in Emu's direction once he was out of his sight. "There's no mistake... he has Game Syndrome and Ophelia is struggling to purify him. There is a Bugster in him." He whispered to himself. "But... without a Gashat... I have to call Ophelia."


"Why didn't I realize this sooner, that brat!" Ophelia growled in annoyance while Luna squeaked in shock at her sudden anger. Zilar stared at her blankly. "No wonder she refused to look at me!"

Saiba Nico is the greatest rival of Emu back in the national tournament game. Nico was 12 and made it to the finals to challenge and defeat the unbeatable champion, Emu. Nico didn't take lightly her loss despite Emu respecting her as a fellow gamer rival but only swallowed in envy and jealousy. It's a miracle that she managed to track Emu down and wanted to defeat him so badly that she thought their job was meant for the game. She never realized their true responsibility of being a Kamen Rider and Knights.

The worst thing that Ophelia experienced in her whole life— Nico is the Goddaughter of Haruka. They don't get along very much because Nico is the rebellious one whereas Ophelia is the calm and rarely gets angry. Apart from their personalities, Nico finds Ophelia boring because she doesn't show any interest in playing games or have common knowledge of each game type.

Zilar received an unknown call to find out Luna had hacked his information to contact him. He was invited over to her house and informed that Hiiro's Gashats are being taken by Kuroto as they're down to only 2 Kamen Rider allies left. Ophelia ranted Nico's stress because of Emu and he couldn't defeat Revol but only one of them could do it.

"What now? We only have 2 Riders left and there's no doubt Dan would target us next— after he obtained all of them." Zilar pointed out and stopped Ophelia's rage of anger.

"Master, he also found out about your healing and purification as he managed to encounter it. To ensure you won't heal or purify them." Luna explained worriedly.

"What are we going to do?" Ophelia muttered. "The enemies are getting stronger and we can't create new Gashats to make them strong." None of them are game creators like Dan Kuroto.

"Alchemy is different to create a game." Zilar answered calmly. "Even if one of us boosts their skills, they can't rely on us in case we get separated by our enemies."

"We were lucky enough to get in their game world but how can we do to help them?" The former goddess sighs sadly. "Not to mention... Emu..."

"We'll save him, Ophelia." Zilar assured his sister figure. "Don't lose hope."

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