"Awesome." Fred and George whispered at the image of the climbing wall, and their mother heard what they said. "You better not get any ideas!" Mrs. Weasley scolded, which did nothing to deter the twins excitement.

"Sadistic tendencies? Did I miss something?" Sally raised an eyebrow at Rhea and Andy as they shrugged sheepishly.

"We have some training to do, but dinner is at seven thirty. You can just follow your cabin to the hall." Katie informed them.

"Sorry for... causing a scene. I just don't appreciate it when Andy is threatened." Rhea winced as she faced Katie. She was never good at apologies the way her sister was.

Katie waved her off. "Don't worry about it. Someone had to put Clarisse in her place" She winked at the sisters, making Andy lightly blush suspiciously.

"Oh? Does little Andy have a crush?" Aphrodite gushed at the love and prospect of drama and getting a reaction out of Apollo. She knew Apollo was about to lose his shit, and she was ready to see it live.

"Oh? Does Aphrodite wish to die?" Apollo raised an eyebrow and Aphrodite smirked victoriously. Before Apollo could do something to hurt either Aphrodite or Katie (not that he would, Demeter and Andy would have his head if he harmed Katie), Andy smacked his arm, making the sun god pout. The wizards and witches looked bewildered at the pair, shocked at how quickly Apollo would go from 'dangerous destructive god' to a 'kicked pouting puppy'.

"At least she would be better than that Hermes spawn." Demeter nagged, disapproving of Travis Stoll, and Katie sighed exasperated.

"Mother, you never approve of anyone your children date!" Katie exclaimed, and her mother denied it.

"Don't I know it." Hades rolled his eyes, and Rhea turned to him before he realized what he said and looked apologetically at her. The King of the Underworld gave a chaste kiss to her head and held her tightly. He was worried about what his brother thought, but now he didn't know who the bigger threat was: Poseidon, Amphitrite, or Sally. (spoiler alert: it's Sally).

Sally knew about her daughters' love lives, she supported them no matter what, but similar to Poseidon and Amphitrite, she preferred to not think about it.

"You need to talk to the Oracle." Annabeth said out of nowhere, and the three other girls looked at her suspiciously.

"I'll ask Chiron." The grey eyed girl waved off as they looked on at the lake. Two teenaged girls were sitting at the pier, their hair flowing loosely. They smiled and waved at the daughters of the sea in recognition and they waved back.

"Don't encourage them, naiads are terrible flirts." Annabeth warned them and Rhea frowned at her. "I want to go home." Andy sighed wistfully, thinking about Atlantis and all the creatures of the sea.

"Don't you understand? This is your home now, a place for kids like us. One of your parents is an Olympian God." Annabeth frowned, misunderstanding Andy's homesickness for denial.

Rhea knitted her eyebrows. "It doesn't have to be our only home." she muttered. Sure Camp was cool, but it could never be her true home. Sally's cozy apartment was home. Atlantis was home.

Amphitrite couldn't help the smile off her face. Hearing that their daughters called Atlantis home had her feeling warm, knowing that she and her husband succeeded in making Atlantis a safe space for them. Sally was also beaming in joy.

"Raising demigods in your domain? Are you breaking even more laws now?" Zeus sneered in contempt at his older brother. 

"I wasn't aware that trying to be a good father meant I was breaking laws. Is it truly a wonder why the rest of your children seem to despise you?" The sea god imperiously stated, looking down at his younger brother. He started to consider throwing his tea at Zeus' face now.

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