5/ too divine for my human mind

Start from the beginning

The brown-haired angel laughed. His laugh unironically reminded of the church bells you can hear when someone gets married or during a funeral. "Yes, that's a good idea. I like all colours, each of them have something to like, in my opinion."

"Yeah, same. Oh, but it also depends on like room circumstances, you know? Like I can't enjoy blue if I am in a cold room but when I am at a hot place I wouldn't be able to look at red and etcetera." I explained. Simeon nodded. "Is this a human thing?" I could see the curiosity in his eyes and honestly? That confused me even more.

What does he mean? Is he asking me if the eyes being connected to the brain and the brain being connected to the body is a human-only thing? I am so confused...

A loud notification sound brought both of us back to reality. Simeon looked down at his D.D.D. His gentle smile turned into a worried expression. I tilted my head, expecting him to kind of explain what made him grow thirty years older in the span of a second. "Ah, I am so sorry! The other angel got in trouble so excuse me while I go to him. We can talk later? I am sorry, again!" He waved a goodbye and full on sprinted while his white cape brushed on the ground.

Wow, I probably should tell him next time we meet that his cape is so low that it probably has mopped the entire classroom's floor at this point.

I continued packing my things. Now, everyone has left and I was alone. So. Why am I feeling like I am being watched?!

"Y/N." A deep voice answered my own thoughts. (Unintentionally.) Lucifer was standing at the exit of the classroom and was leaning on the door frame. "Boss."


"Ok." He looked surprised. As if he didn't expect me to agree so quickly. But I already have a survival plan for this year. 1)Don't make the guy who hangs people from the ceiling mad. 2) Bring sunglasses to history class.

"How was your first class? I believe Professor Zagan was teaching you?" I smiled incredibly fake. "Yes." Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone. If I give short answers he is sure to get bored and leave me alone, right?!

Lucifer, that demon, looked AMUSED by my actions. "He is a good teacher and extremely tolerant of humans."

Am I supposed to thank him for the bare minimum? Where is he getting with this? Now I know why Satan is so pissed off every time he sees Lucifer.

"Ah, yeah. He waved back at me when I waved. Oh, and he smiled at a joke I made." I recounted what happened earlier. "A joke?"

"Yeah, I said 'Hi my name is Y/N. I am a human. My name isn't 'human'." Lucifer smiled slightly. I blink twice to see if I saw wrong. But before I could look he was back with his here for business demon emoji expression.

"I saw you hang out with Solomon, earlier." Lucifer in fact got straight down to business.

"Who is Solomon?"

"Don't act dumb now." But when his eyes went to my face, he immediately saw that I wasn't in fact acting dumb. "He is the other human here. He didn't tell you his name?"

"Saved by the bell, he was saved by the bell." I explained and shrugged my shoulders. Lucifer laughed. "So he was, huh?" He stepped closer and closer. Now we had less than a meter distance between each other. The demon leaned towards me and now our faces were at the same level.

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