Pure evil

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TOM'S POV - When I saw who walked through my door I couldn't believe it.. why was he here? And only Merlin knows how he's going to help me find my Y/N.
"You're probably thinking how I know Y/N right Tom? Well let me tell you something. Your father has had me recruited for well over a year now. For the last few weeks he's had me tending to Maddox Olivander and fulfilling his wishes. I've been feeding two girls down in his basement and I didn't know who they were until I heard Y/N talking about you to the other girl. I don't know who she is unfortunately"

I looked at him and started to wonder who else Maddox would have kidnapped.
"What did the other girl look like?" I asked him
"She has mid length, black, curly hair with blue ey-" I stood out of my chair and charged over to him, breathing heavily.
"There is NO fucking way that you're doing this to me!" I shouted at him but he looked really confused.
"Tom what the fuck are you talking about? I'm just telling you what the girl looked like?!" Me and Mattheo looked at each other in horror
"It can't be.. right?" Mattheo asked me directly as I shook my head
"She fucking died Mattheo, it's NOT Delphi.. don't play around with me. Has he put you up to this? WHY ARE YOU HERE!!"
"NO! I'm just sick of your fathers and his orders! They're sick.. both of them, and I want out. The only people that can stop them is you two.. and the girls.. they don't deserve to get treated like shit" of course he's treating the girls like that. He has no heart, he treated my sister like she was nothing, and he "loved" her... so Merlin knows how he's treating my Y/N.
"You tell me where she is RIGHT NOW and you've got yourself a deal.. Regulus Black."

Y/N'S POV - As he "finished" with me, he demanded I got into my clothes and sent me straight back down to where Delphi was impatiently waiting for my arrival. Tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't stop shaking. I've never experienced such trauma to my body before, I felt so weak and disgusting. Every time I thought about what just happened it made me feel sick. But was he right? Would Tom really drop me after what just happened? I didn't want to lose him, he means so much to me. After all this is the very first time I've fallen in love with someone and I was so happy with him.. until now.

I sat next to Delphi who hugged me straight away, she knew exactly what happened to me. We sat, not saying a word to each other for a while as I cried into her arms. After a while I started to feel angry. Angry at myself for letting him do this to me, how fucking dare he touch ME? He doesn't know what's coming for him.
"I'm sorry that you had to go through that Y/N" Delphi finally spoke up and when she did, the sadness went through my body once more.
"Don't be sorry Delphi.. you've had to go through a lot more than me. I can get through this I just.. Tom.." she looked at me confused, until she realised what I meant through the lack of words.
"Y/N if you think for one minute that Tom will be disgusted with you then DON'T! I have not once seen him entertain a woman before.. he must really love you and he would never throw you away because of.. that" I gave her half a smile.

After a couple of hours suddenly, 2 death eaters with masks on came running in and snatching me and Delphi out of the room. We were both screaming and trying to fight them off us.
I punched him in the face which made him fall to the ground, once I was free I smacked the other death eater off Delphi knocking him unconscious. We both started running for our lives, finally we were free from that disgusting cage. Delphi guided us through the mansion until we got into a room with about 6 doors.
"Which fucking door is it?! UGH! I don't know.."
Delphi voice sounded panicky.
"Does it matter?! Let's get out of here and go through which ever door!" I'm exclaimed
"NO?l! Y/N if we go through the wrong door he could be there.. we need to go to the-"
"Delphi?! Y/N?!" We both turned around and we couldn't believe our eyes.. we saw Tom and Mattheo standing there with that strange boy that was bringing our food.

"I can't believe my eyes! My brothers! Oh thank Merlin you're here!" Delphi managed to run into Mattheo's safe arms whilst he held her tightly. I started to run up to Tom when suddenly I felt an arm wrap around my neck and pull me backwards.
"Not so fast.. where the fuck do you think you're going my toy?" It was Maddox, and a swarm of death eaters appeared behind him, surrounding Tom, Mattheo, Delphi & the strange boy.
"Maddox don't you DARE hurt her! Leave my girl alone.. I'm warning you" Maddox started laughing at Tom's words.
"YOUR girl..? Oh Tom, she stopped being your girl as soon as I bent her over and forced her on my bed whilst fucking the last bit of cum out that she had in her" I could see Tom's face go blank. I couldn't quite tell what he was feeling in that moment.. Was it pain? Was it anger? Was it disgust? I felt a massive lump in my throat.
"I-I'm so-sorry Tommy.. I-I tried to stop him.. I really did" I stuttered my words out in between my cries. Maddox started to laugh at me. I felt his one arm tense more around my neck and the other hand grabbed my cheeks and forcefully making me turn to look at him.
"If you don't shut the fuck up, then I'll do it again in front of him.. give him a nice show. You was such a good girl for me last time" as he slammed his lips against mine, I saw Tom's eyes go red.

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