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Well I was not expecting that, I was taken back from what I just heard.
"You.. what? I'm sorry but I don't quite understand" I felt really awkward, I didn't really know how to react or respond.
"When we met the other day.. I really took a liking to you Y/N, you've been on my mind ever since" Maddox really shocked me, I mean we only spent like 2/3 hours together. He stood there confidently looking at me whilst I played with my fingers.

"Do I make you nervous darling?" Darling? Who does he think he's calling darling. As he started to come closer to me I backed away.
"No.. look I really need to get going, I'm late"
"Late? To what exactly? You're not going anywhere Y/N" he smiled at me and grabbed me by my arms roughly, pinning me straight against the wall. As I was trying to fight him off me, he started to kiss my neck and touching my whole body. It made me feel sick. There was only one way to try and get this prick off me so I kicked him in the dick. He kneeled down in pain so I took the opportunity and ran away.

As I was running towards Tom's dorm I ran into Mattheo, thank god it was only him.
"Woah Y/N where are off in such a hurry"
"I'm s-sorry Mattheo I-I" I started crying uncontrollably. I couldn't get my words out properly from the shock and Mattheo noticed this so he hugged me to calm me down.
"Come on let me take you to Tom.. how's that sound?" As I nodded at him, he put his arm over my shoulder and guided me there.

As we walked into Tom's room, he turned to face us. His facial expression was quite confused as to why Mattheo was holding me with tears running down my face.
"Merlin, doll what's the matter? What the fucks happened to her Mattheo?" Tom raised his voice a little from the worry.
"Alright before you blame me for doing something, I found her like this.. she was running away from something in the hall but she's that upset that she can't get her words out properly"
Tom's face softened and he put his arms out to comfort me. I ran straight into them, sobbing into his chest.

"Baby calm down, I've got you..what's gotten you so upset? Did someone hurt you? I swear if they did I'll kill them" you nod and sigh after calming down in his arms a little bit.
"I need to tell you something Tom.. please don't be mad at me" he looks at me pretty concerned about what I'm going to say.
"The other night when I was having a drink with Brennan I-" he interrupted me whilst I was trying to explain, I could tell he was angry.
"Was it him?! Did he hurt you?!!"
"No! Listen to me.. we wasn't on our own. His cousin came along.. but he told me not to tell anyone that he was there" he looked at Mattheo and then back at me.
"Why did he say that?" He asked
"Well.. he mentioned that not a lot of people like him in this school and if someone found out I was around him then they'd probably hate me"
Tom's face looked even more confused than before but Mattheo quickly stood up and asked
"Y/N what was this guys name?"
"His name was Maddox. Maddox Olivander"

As I mentioned his name the boys both looked at each other and then Tom looked at me in horror.
"Y/N did you just say Maddox.. where is he now? Did you just see him? Here in Hogwarts?"
"Yeah Tom, he was in my room.. he said he can't stop thinking about me.. he pinned me against the wall and started to.." I took a deep breath in before finishing my sentence
"He started to kiss my neck and he was touching me in places.. I didn't want him to, I tried to fight back and thankfully I got out but... I think he was going to-"
"IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL THAT FUCKER... he's a dead man.. Y/N, darling I promise you he will NEVER hurt you again let alone go anywhere near you, okay? Mattheo let's and look around he might still be here" I grabbed Tom by the arm whilst I cried out for him.
"Tom please don't leave me.. I'm begging you" Tom looked at me with a worried look on his face, he hated the fact I was so upset.
"Brother, it's okay. You stay with Y/N and I'll look around to see if I can find him" I smiled at Mattheo and mouthed a 'thank you' before he left the room.

TOM'S POV - I can't believe that fucker is actually back. I swear when I find him I'm going to destroy him without any remorse in me what so ever. People like him don't deserve to live. My poor, sweet Y/N. I won't forgive myself for not being there to protect her.. what if she didn't fight back? What if she couldn't get out of his grip? What if... fuck! He is going to be begging me to kill him once I've finished with what I've got planned for him. He's going to regret going anywhere near my innocent Y/N. Watch out Maddox, Tom Marvolo Riddle is coming for you.

Professor Tom Riddle X Reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें