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Silence filled the room as no one knew what to say. Y/N was abducted by Maddox and no one knew where he had taken her and if she was ok.
"Not here Lorenzo.. we need to go somewhere a little more private" Mattheo broke the silence as Enzo and Tom were just staring at each other, for the first time, Tom didn't know how to explain this.
"Well? What are we waiting for.. let's go back to Hogwarts but don't forget, I want to know everything." Lorenzo warned the Riddles as he walked off. He was furious and worried about his sister.

As the whole friend group came back to Hogwarts, Tom took them to his dormitory, where he knew no one could hear to them.
"Spit it out then, we haven't got time to be messing around, I need to find my sister!" Shouted Enzo.
"Alright calm down Lorenzo, don't you think I want to fucking find her too? She means a lot to me ok? We've.. been seeing each other for a while now. Mattheo was just a cover up for us so no one would suspect anything" Tom explained
"What the fuck are you on? YOU'RE HER PROFESSOR AND YOU'VE BEEN FUCKING HER? MY SISTER?!" Enzo started to lose his cool at this point. Everyone looked at both of the Riddles really confused.
"You and Y/N..? But-" Pansy couldn't even finish her sentence she was so baffled.
"You guys are acting like I'm fucking 50 years old or something. There's only 3 years between us! I understand I'm her 'professor' but that won't last forever? It's not illegal!" Tom started to pace around the room getting frustrated.

As a little time went by everyone started to calm down a little bit but Lorenzo was still unsure about what he just heard. His sister.. and Tom Riddle? It was strange to him, which is very understandable. He wish that Y/N would have spoken to him about this sooner.
"I want to know who this Maddox guy is, so you best start talking" Enzo demanded
"I'll tell you everything about Maddox.."

Maddox was my a good friend of mine, one of my only friends actually. He was one of the only people that I could trust with my life excluding my family, of course. He was very similar to me, we kept ourselves to ourselves during our time at Hogwarts. No one really knew about him and till this day, not many people know of his name but he's always wanted to change that. The Riddle manor was like his second home, he would always come and visit during all the school breaks and he was always welcome. There is one person that was more dear and close to him that me though.. our sister, Delphi Riddle. She was two years younger than me and a year older than Mattheo. Our father never allowed her to go to Hogwarts as he wanted to "protect" her away from people, no one really knew that Delphi existed other than my family and Maddox of course. They got really close and I was quite happy about it due to him being so trustworthy, I wanted Delphi to have someone that I thought would love her for eternity but.. I was wrong. I never really knew what they'd get up to and honestly, I didn't want to. She was an adult and so was he, I thought if there was ever a problem, Delphi would come to me straight away because she knew that I loved her more than anyone, she was my younger sister and I was very protective of her. One day I overheard a conversation between my father and Maddox regarding marriage between Delphi and him, I wasn't very shocked about it but I did think it was quite soon. Once I questioned my father he shut me down so I went to speak to Delphi herself, she wasn't as excited as I thought she would be. Actually, I could sense how nervous she was but I thought that's normal, right? Nerves before a wedding? I didn't think anything of it until the night before the wedding, she ran to my room crying her eyes out, telling me she didn't want to marry Maddox and that he was hurting her. Fury built up in my body and I ran straight down to my father and him, who were sat around the table talking to each other. I saw red. I grabbed Maddox and pinned him against the wall shouting at him, how dare he hurt MY sister after I let him into my home, our family. Delphi was crying her eyes out and my father just sat still, no emotions, no nothing. That was until I said the wedding was off.. my father disagreed with me. He demanded I let Maddox go and mind my own business, I got even angrier, that's his daughter! His sweet, innocent daughter and he was going to let that piece of shit abuse her. No fucking way. I told Delphi to go and pack her things and that her and Mattheo were leaving with me. Maddox got angry and cast a spell, causing all the doors to slam shut. As I was about to take my wand out, my father cast crucio on me and as I fell to the floor, Delphi started to cry her eyes out begging him to stop. It was painful but I fought through it as much as I could. Getting her out of here was my priority. In this moment, Delphi pulled her wand out at my father, thankfully I taught her some spells myself but unfortunately, she was too late. Maddox cast the most unforgivable spell on her. Avada Kedavra was the last thing I heard before I blacked out. When I woke up, Maddox and Delphi had disappeared. My father again, emotionless and helpless. He had told me what happened and that Delphi was no longer with us, he killed her and that it was all my fault. My sweet little sister was dead because of that bastard, I swore to myself if I was to EVER see him again, I would kill him with no remorse.

As Tom was telling the story to the group, the panic and sadness on everyone's faces showed. No one knew about the loss the Riddles went through 3 years ago.
"I'm.. sorry to hear about your sister Tom and you too Mattheo" Lorenzo spoke up first regretting shouting at them.
"My sister couldn't be saved Lorenzo, but your sister can. I promise you I will do anything and everything in my power to save her.. I have to, she's everything I've got and I'm not about to lose another person I love again" Tom felt so vulnerable admitting his feelings in front of everyone and pretty guilty that he didn't tell Y/N this before she went missing.
"We can do this together, right? Whatever it takes" Draco added, he felt sad that Y/N was missing, he had a lot of feelings for her after all and even though they weren't reciprocated, he would always be there for her and protect her.

Once I screamed out for Tom, everything went black. When I woke up I was in a cold room behind a locked door. Darkness filled the room as I shivered and cried out for help, but it was no use. After a while I curled up in a ball in the corner of the room and suddenly a light shun upon me. In front of me stood a beautiful, black haired girl with a look of terror in her eyes. She had a small smile on her face as she reached her hand out to me, showing me I was safe around her. She slowly kneeled down to my level and put her hands on my shoulders.
"Are you okay darling? Did that monster hurt you?" She spoke. She had such an angelic, calming voice. I shook my head and gave her half a smile.
"What's your name?" She asked me
"My name is Y/N Berkshire.. I was with my friends at the three broomsticks and he.. he attacked me. I screamed for someone I knew would protect me, Tom but he-"
"Tom? As in Tom Riddle?" I looked at her a little confused, she obviously knew who he was. The worry in her voice made that clear. I nodded my head and added
"Yeah.. Tom Riddle, he's kind of my boyfriend I guess if you put it like that" her eyes widened and she pulled me in for a massive hug.
"You won't know me Y/N Berkshire.. but I know Tom very well.. he's my older brother. My name is Delphi Riddle"

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