4/ is forever university suited for you?

Start from the beginning

"Oh, you can pick! Just don't sit at the first chair because that is where Lucifer sits." I glanced at the place. Okay...so if Lucifer sits there then I will sit as far as possible. I ended up sitting on Asmo's left side. "Oh? Next to me? Aren't you bold? Not that I am confused of your choice. I would want to sit by myself as well." I giggled at his words. He laughed with me and when he noticed me looking rather lost at the choice of food, he very sweetly gave me advice on what to pick.

"Morning..." A grumpy voice said out of nowhere. I raised my head and saw Beel walk in. I thought about the people who didn't get here on time. It was over for them.

"Aww, no 'good' to the 'morning' for you too?" Asmo asked his younger brother. Beel sighed. "It will be good when I am not feeling my stomach eat itself."

"Good morning, Beel!" I greeted him. He looked over at me and nodded. Asmodeus looked at me as well. "He got a 'good' to the 'morning' but I didn't?" His expression was that of a false sadness. He was joking around. I smiled. "My morning got good after we talked."

"Oooh? Since when are you such a flirt?" Asmo smiled at me. "No idea, trust me." I answered.

Suddenly every action in the dining room was stopped as we heard a quick footsteps becoming slightly closer and closer. All of us turned around and stared expectantly.

Mammon slided in the room so fast but before he could come closer to the table, Leviathan appeared out of nowhere and pushed him at the wall. I put my hand over my mouth in shock.

"Levi!" Mammon yelled.

Levi didn't want to deal with any of this so all he did was turn his back towards us so he can face Mammon's direction. I have no idea what expression he gave the white-haired demon but his reaction told me all I need for he shut up immediately.

My 'best friend' looked at the table and where we all sat. Beelzebub opposite side of Asmodeus and Asmodeus next to me. His eyes immediately went to my form and I smiled in a greeting. He didn't smile but he ended up sitting next to me. I side-eyed him for a second before I continued eating my food.

"Levi, you are a jerk." Mammon who decided to sit next to Beel, sulked over what happened a few minutes ago. The purple-haired demon immediately glared at him. "I AM THE JERK? Mammon I will never forgive you!"

I munched silently on some pink-coloured snacks as I watched the exchange between the two. "Wait is this about you-know-what?" Levi turned towards me and smiled. "You remember! Does this mean that you-" I kicked his foot under the table. "Oh! I get it! Okay!" Levi kept the dumb smile on his face as he went quiet and continued to eat.

Mammon didn't bat an eyelash at the exchange. Too busy fighting Beel for some weird looking pizza. Asmodeus on the other was eyeing us the entire time. We shared eye contact and somehow his smile went even bigger. I looked away.

"Are the other three not going to eat?" I asked. There were exactly three seats left. The present demons tensed a bit. "Uh, Lucifer said he will eat at the academy and Satan already ate."

Well. I am not great at math but I can count. And what I heard were two names. Not three. I remember the time Satan told me guessing their avatars is my first quest. In my mind, I noted down to find out who the Avatar of Sloth is. Or more like - Where the Avatar of Sloth is. This will be my self-appointed second quest!

Oh well, for all I know he could just be sleeping somewhere where no one is able to find him.


"God damn!" I looked at the massive building. The Royal Academy of Diavolo did not look like a simple university. It looked like a castle. And it made me concerned. How am I supposed to find my classes?!

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