Chapter 36: Mercenaries go to Vantal

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Sedgwick met with the coinsword after breakfast in his room, at a table with four chairs at the ordinal points. Thrinzia and Mark were either side of him, watching the woman as she settled into the chair opposite. Danielle Thompson was a short woman, not quite reaching five feet tall, human, with an easy smile, a feminine figure, and long brown hair, braided into a ponytail and wrapped up in a bun on her head. She wore rings, bracelets, necklaces, anklets and a tiara on her head. A gold medallion of faith, depicting the griffin's wing was suspended about her neck and her dress was a work of art, modest yet indicating her affluence through quality materials, manufacture, and color – that of burnished gold. Her brown eyes surveyed the three individuals sat at the table from a tanned complexion, and she inclined her head toward Sedgwick, recognizing him as a coinsword without a word being spoken. The sword at her waist was styled to be used in either one or two hands and while she was not especially agile, her movements were marked by one with extensive weapons training. She slid into her chair without fanfare and folded her hands together on the table looking between the others with raised eyebrows.

"You're Sedgwick Halgard," she said with a nod toward him, using a respectful tone and aspect. "I'm Danielle Thompson, priestess and coinsword in service to Shinare. I've come to listen to your proposal. Rumor in town has it that you're hiring many of the experienced campaigners for anticipated violence from a minotaur army about to besiege the City of Morning Dew, but with the kind of contract that should satisfy the church and myself financially." She paused and leaned a little before concluding, "I'd heard that one of your officers was a jarak-sinn, but I didn't think to levy any credence to such idle banter. Yet here she is." Her eyes flickered over to Thrinzia, the distaste clear in her expression.

Sedgwick raised one eyebrow. "I thought those in service to the patron of industry and commerce would be exempt from such bigotry."

Danielle's intense regard settled back on Sedgwick. "The jarak-sinn are not renowned for such industriousness."

"Neither are the kender. Nor the half-ogres. Our leader considers character of the individual paramount. The wage she offers is not insignificant. But she insists on respect and intelligence over absolute obedience and devotion." Sedgwick tilted his head to one side. "Initiative is rewarded. She's interested in soldiers who will follow and advise not obey and complain."

Silence settled over the table for a few seconds, as Danielle's eyes flickered between the three officers. Then she smiled again. "It's a novel approach," she said inclining her head, "but command in a military scenario must be sacrosanct. Chain of command must be respected and orders treated as absolute."

"How one phrases those orders can leave open interpretation and conclusion, yes? Thus.. Captain Wildtamer and Lady Sevastian are both of the opinion that the spirit of the order is more significant than the letter. Captain Wildtamer will take input from all those in service, and adjust based on that input, but she also accepts that there will be times when a soldier in the field must decide for themselves how best to satisfy the order."

Danielle was quiet for a few seconds, her eyes fixed on Sedgwick. "I understand," she said with a nod, her eyes going down to her hands. "I couldn't make a decision on a contract without meeting the leader, but I suspect we could come to consensus."

Sedgwick smiled then and nodded toward Danielle. "There's time. Come to the City of Morning Dew with us and speak with her there. If you're unhappy with the prospect you can depart without signing up, but you should know.. I plan to deploy to the ruins at Vantal on our way. There will be action." Sedgwick reached into a pouch and pulled out an emerald, sliding it over to Danielle. "If you want to learn more, take the payment and accompany us. If not, we'll be sorry to have lost out on the opportunity to work with such a reputable professional, but understand your reservations all the same."

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