Chapter 22: Problems at Purstal.

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Fandy and Stura helped the group navigate the crossing of the Khaldat river without concern. The water wasn't fast moving, and while none of them were experienced riders, the animals knew what to do better than the people riding them. Layla had flown over the river and lay on the bank on the other side enjoying the sun while the group struggled across. The river was shallow enough that the horses didn't have to swim, and while the dogs swam for a while, it didn't prove too destabilizing for the aghar. They moved into a group and established their regular patrol configuration and crossed the King's Road after a few minutes, surveying the ruins of Purstal.

It must've been a large city when it was still populated with the living, with many streets laid out in a pattern of circles, suggesting a spiraling passage to the center as a defensive measure. The rings were defined by what was left of the walls that established them. The buildings were not typical for desert settlements, because Purstal wasn't in a desert when it was a living city. Stone dwellings were what remained, crumbling, missing their roofs and upper floors, they gave a sad and forlorn impression. Sand covered everything now, though occasionally the red clay peeked through on the ground.

When Fandy examined the surface for tracks, she discovered a number of features. Skeletons had made tracks in the not too distant past, and were a prominent fixture in the city. They'd be dropping by to inquire as to the travelers' intention in short order. Mixed in with those tracks, however, were other tracks. A large number of smaller creatures. Many of whom wore boots, and scurried in a manner that suggested a preternatural fear. Fandy called Stura over to verify, but she was already certain of it: Aghar had settled in Purstal.

"Look like Anguished tracks to Fandy," she said to Stura, using the language of the gully dwarves. Stura leaned over, peering at the signs that Fandy had directed her to. Then she straightened and gave Fandy a shy sort of smile.

"Clan here. Good spot. Most folk scared by undead. Keep clear of skeletons, have good life." Stura's response was in gullytalk as well, and Fandy noticed the others were staring at them, expecting some kind of information.

"Aghar live here. Clan. But also.. many undead. Skeletons. Others further in. Need blunt weapons?" The last question directed toward Gilleana, their expert on the undead.

"If they're the weakest kind of undead, your regular weapons will serve as well. They won't do as much damage, but the monsters will be destroyed all the same." She paused, pursing her lips and took a deep breath. "Could your brethren be involved in their creation?" This question for Fandy and Stura.

"Maybe," Fandy said, trouble on her brow. "We've goods to trade. Opportunity here. Stay to eliminate undead. Trade. Move on after. No need hurt aghar?"

"As long as they aren't involved in creating these monsters, yes, there's no need to fight with the clan here."

Stura and Fandy exchanged a glance and then looked about. "Not long before skeletons come. Here regularly. Use preparation?"

Gilleana was thoughtful for a while, looking at those with her, especially Mark, the newcomer. "I want to eradicate the problem here," she said in a quiet voice, "but it'll be dangerous and not something that'll happen quickly. The surface is likely a tiny element of the real problem, which is likely hidden deep in the city. The creatures out here will need to be set to rest, but they aren't the main problem. We should use as little of our resources as possible when we deal with these initial encounters. As for you Mark.. we hired you to guard us on our way to the City of Morning Dew. I'll understand if you'd rather not be involved with the fighting here."

"I'm coming," Mark said with a grin, "but I'd like to get my hands on a more appropriate weapon. I'm guessing the gully dwarves only have stuff that's an appropriate size for themselves?"

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