Chapter 23: Aghar, Aberrations and Agents of Angst.

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Fandy rose early, before the dawn, as was her way, and roused Stura. They informed Sedgwick, who was on watch, that they were taking the animals to the river to get them some water, and the two of them escorted the animals through the city. The residue of the previous day's battles littered the streets, but there were no other undead monsters to impede their progress. Fandy enjoyed the time in the cooler air by the Khaldat as the sun rose and she groomed and tended the dogs and horses with care and attention. They worked on the animals for an hour, during which time they had refilled waterskins, fed the dogs and horses, and made sure there were no injuries or lameness in any limbs. They returned to the temple where the camp was still established, Sedgwick keeping an eye out. Fandy left the billeting to Stura and instead engaged in the culinary duties required for a decent breakfast. She didn't explain to anyone where she found meat in a dead city – she was an aghar, it was a natural talent.

After some bacon and eggs, (Mark fed most of his share to Layla), Gilleana offered to help with the cleanup. Stura took that duty with her and so Fandy stood watch with Sedgwick, the pair of them peering out over the rubble strewn streets. Fandy was the first to spot one of the aghar, sneaking along near to where she'd spotted animal tracks herself. She whistled to Sedgwick and he came over, standing beside her, watching the small form creeping along and peering about surreptitiously. After a minute or so, Fandy called out to the guy, using the gullytalk language.

"Got bacon left from breakfast. Interested?"

The aghar started, looking about and spied Sedgwick and Fandy, made a muffled shriek-like noise, and fled down a hatch that in the living days of Purstal doubtless served as an access to their sewer system. Fandy exhaled. She wasn't looking forward to a trek through the sewers to locate and negotiate with the Hurk clan. She nodded to Sedgwick and strolled over to where Gilleana and Stura were finishing up their cleaning duty, packing the cooking gear away.

"Spotted aghar. Dove into sewer. Need Venerable Father help find better way?" Fandy used the common trade language for this exchange, the lilt in her tone hopeful.

Gilleana scrunched up her face and nodded to Fandy. "Yes," she agreed, "let's hope for a better way. I need to see the catacombs, at least. We'll need to go visit them after we've seen to the spirit's release."

"Billet animals by river? Might be safer." Fandy was concerned for their steeds, and she didn't anticipate taking the horses through cramped sewer tunnels.

"No, I'd rather we keep them in here, save for their watering runs of course. Thank you for that, Fandy. You've been very good at keeping the animals healthy on this journey. And cooking for us. And keeping us pointed in the right direction. When we've discovered a good path to the Hurk clan, you should negotiate the trades with them, with Sedgwick to help you out, of course."

Fandy nodded, and then glanced over, noting the incorporeal form of the Venerable Father approaching. She bobbed her head in greeting and that caused Gilleana to turn and give the spirit a smile. "Good morning, Venerable Father. I'm afraid you missed my Udossi at dawn. It was lovely to do so in a temple dedicated to the purpose."

Ludano bowed to Gilleana, and then smiled. "I'm pleased your service to Paladine brings you such peace and joy, Lady Gilleana. Are you ready to see the catacombs and the way to the vermin that live below?"

Fandy checked over the billets for the animals, verifying that there were feed bags and water accessible, before she joined the group. The access to the basement and thence the catacombs was buried under sand, but it wasn't hard to shift it all and then lift the hatch, even if the hinges were non-functional – Stura yanked the hatch free and set it to one side. The stairs were still serviceable and so they made their way below, Stura and Mark in front, followed by Gilleana and Fandy with Sedgwick bringing up the rear. The basement under the temple held some residue of what had been items used for worship in the temple above, but was now rusted and pitted metal fragments. Some of the silver and gold pieces were still in good shape, but many of them had already been looted. The spirit guided them through the area to a featureless wall.

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