Maybe even make the guy fall for him and then leave him to suffer?

He wants to ruin this family. Just like how he was ruined.


"You can't be serious Ash. I mean I'm still mad at the past but-
"No Michelle. I almost let my guard down but this time no. Let him suffer the consequences of his parents actions. Even he should know the kind of blood he has".

"But what makes you think that he is also like them? Can't you see his efforts? He is trying his best to let go of what he has been taught".

"It doesn't change the fact that we lost someone. And it's because of him". Ash growls, making Michelle confused.

"What do you mean it was him? How is Ryan connected to all this?"

Ash takes a deep breath, "because he was the one who told his parents about him. His reality and....they had taken him away from us".

Michelle felt the ground slip. She couldn't function.

"W-What....there's no way! Ryan would never do that! You know he was under the influence of-
"It doesn't matter. Influence or not, the damage has been done". His voice goes low at the end, feeling tears in his eyes.

What they didn't really know that there was someone listening. And you could hear the sound of his heart breaking.


The dorm was unusually cold and silent. Ryan was impatiently waiting for Ash. He was going to demand answers. He has to know.

The door opens and Ash enters the dorm and immediately Ryan stands in front of the tall boy. Ash rolls his eyes, "what do you want? It's already past bed time. Go sleep".

"No. I have questions and I demand answers".

For fuck sake.

"Ask your questions tomorrow. I'm tired-
"Are you using me?" His voice cracked at the end, feeling heavy.

Ash didn't expect this. He wanted this slow and steady but he didn't mind. The fast the better right? If he so badly wants to know then let him.

"Why? What makes you think I'm using you? You're straight right. So I can't make my move on you anyways though you're damn pretty".

Ryan gritted his teeth. He was being unserious right now. "No! What is your problem with my parents huh?! I get that they're not the very best but-

"Your parents are a piece of shit". As simple as that. Ash didn't hold back this time.

"Don't say that! You are the only shitty person here! Trying to use me against my own parents?! How disgusting-

Before he could even complete his sentence, Ash has him pinned on the couch. Hovering over him with his wrists pinned to his sides.

"Get off! What do you think you're doing!" He growls at him, trying his best to get away but the grip was too strong.

"You and your parents are scums. You are the reason why our lives are ruined. If it weren't for you, we all would be happy right now! Why the fuck did you appear in front of us huh!"

Ryan felt his tears rolling down his cheeks and the sight made Ash's heart crack a little.

"W-Why a-are you d-doing this....I-I'm t-trying my best to understand you guys....i-is that not e-enough..." He sobs. Ash was really in a fix. Before all this, he was determined to get back at him but now seeing him like this was breaking his heart.

Does he actually like him? No. But...UGH! WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT.

All his anger goes away the moment Ryan starts sobbing loudly. Ash got taken aback and immediately let go of him and sat up straight on the couch. Ryan slowly got up, sobbing.

Ash sighed before gently grabbing the boy and pulling him onto his lap. Ryan cutely punched his chest multiple times, trying to get off but ultimately gave up and gave into the warm embrace.

"I'm sorry sugar. I shouldn't have done that. It's all my fault. Please, please look at me".

Ryan weakly looks up at him, tear stained cheeks and puffy cheeks. He looked like a defeated puppy.

"I understand that you still hate me. But please don't bring my parents into this...I-I still rely on them. Whatever you have against them...take it out on me....I-I deserve it".

Why are you making this so hard for me sugar? One moment I want to kiss you and hold you and the next, I want to see those crumbled into shred because of the damage they did to us..

Unfortunately you too contributed to it.

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