Chapter forty five - Emotions

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"What?!" I exclaimed as I shot up from my bed and headed to the door. Nikki opened it for me and gestured to a corner in the ravine.

"See for yourself." She said bitterly, still hurt by my statement from before. I hurried out the door and made my way to the corner. A hole had been dug into the ground and Wilbur and Tubbo were standing above it. They looked to be watching what was happening below them.

"What's going on." I demanded. Tubbo immediately stiffened and turned to face me.

"I told them not to do it." He said backing away to let me get a look. Wilbur on the other hand seemed to not even hear me as he stared down at the hole, engrossed in what he was watching. I gave him a quick glance, noticing the crazed look in his eye, before peering into the newly dug pit. At the very center of the stone hole stood Techno above a helpless and bruised Tommy.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I gritted out. The pinkette looked up at me and gave a curt nod. He then looked back down at Tommy at spoke.

"This stays in the pit." He then walked away and climbed out of the hole. Tommy quickly stood from his spot on the ground, wincing at his growing bruises.

"You tried to kill Tubbo!" He cried out. Techno looked back at him and smirked.

"Tommy the thing is you're using words. But the thing about this world Tommy, is that the only universal language is violence. And we've had that conversation. We've spoken that language, in the pit. It's over Tommy. Onto a new day. A new plot, to destroy Manburg." Techno finished with an almost evil laugh. I smiled and stood beside him as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"He's right. Manburg needs to be destroyed." Tommy's face scrunched up in anger.

"Ophelia you said you would leave Manburg alone-" He started.

"I said I would leave L'manburg  alone if, and only if, you and Wilbur ran it right. And you failed. You tired to cheat the election multiple times and let the country fall into the hands of a man who is nothing short from horrible. I have no choice but to destroy it." I reasoned. "Now come out of that pit so I can clean you up." He grumbled curses under his breath as he climed out of the hole, aided by Tubbo. Once the brunette had pulled him completely out of the pit he went and sat near the fire again. I went to follow him but was stopped by Nikki as she spoke to me again.

"You say your emotionless, but people who don't care don't help someone who's injured. And they don't have morals. But you do." She then walked down the ravine to an empty room and shut the door, leaving me to my thoughts.

. . .

"Are you really going to help them destroy Manburg?" Tommy asked sadly as I continued to bandage his wounds. He only had a couple scratches and bruises here and there. It was obvious Techno had gone extremely easy on him. Good thing too otherwise I'd being doing stitches right now instead of sticking bandages on him.

"You already know where I stand Tommy and nothing you say can change it." I say, not looking up at him.

"I know." He mumbles. I placed the last bandage and stood up.

"All done. Now go to bed, you need rest."

"Whatever you say mum." He mocks as he shakily stands and heads to his shared room with Tubbos who's already asleep.

"I wouldn't need to act like your mother if you weren't so stupid sometimes." I shoot back. He waves me off as he enters his room. I had started to clean up the bandages when Techno walked over to me.

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