Chapter forty three - Answers

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Ophelia's pov

When I opened my eyes, I was staring at the clouds. I could hear muffled voices as I tried to sit up. My head was pounding, and I couldn't remember anything that happened after I passed out. I instantly knew I'd lost control and was silently cursing myself. Before I could pull myself together, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Ophelia?" I turned and was met with Dreams striking green eyes. I immediately shrugged his hand off and stood up.

"Told you that was a bad idea." I heard Techno comment.

"How long was I out?" I questioned him as I brushed myself off.

"Twenty minutes or so." He stated.

"How did you get me back so fast?" I asked, shocked at his response. Usually, it would take at least an hour before he could pull me out of it. He opened his mouth to respond, but Dream spoke before he could.

"He didn't." He said, struggling to sit down on a nearby rock. "I did." He then pulled off his hoodie to reveal a bandage soaked in blood. For some reason, I felt the sudden urge to help him, but I ignored it.

"What do you mean you did?" I spat. He started to remove the bloodied bandage, revealing the rest of his bare chest and large open wound. I could feel my cheeks heat up slightly, but I looked away before he could notice. I swear he's doing this on purpose.

"I mean, I pulled you out of it by talking to you." He said as if it was obvious. I looked at Techno, who nodded to confirm what Dream had said.

"That's not possible." I stated blandly. At this point, Dream had reached into his inventory for more bandages and had begun dressing his wound.

"No, pinky over here, just never tried it." He said, jabbing a finger over towards Techno accusingly without looking up. I looked back at the pinkette, who simply shrugged.

"What exactly did you say?" I said with a demanding tone. He paused and looked up at me. There was silence for a while as he seemed to debate with himself what to say.

"Simple. I told you how much I love you." Then he went back to dressing his wound. What the actual fuck.

"Don't come back to Pogtopia." I stated before turning on my heals and heading to the ravine. I could hear Dream frantically finish wrapping the bandage before quickly pulling his hoodie back on. He then ran to catch up with me. God, can't this guy take a hint?

"What is your problem?" He spat when he reached me.

"I don't have a problem." I spoke with my normal monotone voice.

"You've been acting strange ever since you woke up! You'll barely talk to me, let alone come near me at all!" He exclaimed. I stopped walking, catching him off guard, and turned to him.

"You don't know me. You might think you do, but you don't. The person you "fell in love with" was a scared child. I have all my memories back now, so that person is gone."

"I don't believe that."

"I wasn't done. I will never be that person no matter how hard you try. So don't. Leave me alone because I don't want you around if all your going to do is be pining after me." When I finished my small tangent I began walking again and he didn't follow.

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