Chapter ten - Tommy

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My head was killing me. I felt like I was trapped in my own body. Like I was a stranger in my own mind. I watched as memory after memory unfolded in front of me. All of them were about Tommy. About my little brother.

It was strange. Some of the memories had other people in them, but as soon as Tommy was no longer apart of the scene it cut out like a bad video. Then the next memory would play and cut out, and then the next.

Then I got to one memory in particular.


"Ophelia! Ophelia!" A boy shouted as he burst into the van. I was sitting in the corner on a chair, sharpening my sword. This was a daily thing for me. I come to the van and just do meaningless tasks until the end of the day or my brother bothers me. I could do those same tasks in my cabin but i wanted to be near the boys with this war and everything and since I don't live in l'manburg this was the next best thing.

I looked up to see my brother with panic written all over his face. He looked awful. He had cuts and scrapes everywhere.

"What? What is it Tommy?" I said, frantically standing up and placing my sword on the table in the middle of the van. I rushed over to him and placed my hands on his shoulders comfortingly.

"Eret! Their a traitor! He trapped us all! The Dream Team was there! He betrayed us!" He exclaimed angerly.

"Woah woah woah. Slow down Tommy. What the hell are you going on about?" I asked, looking the boy dead in the eyes. Just then the door to the van burst open and in walked Wilbur, Tubbo, and Fundy. They all had the same look Tommy did.


"What the hell happened? You all look like you went through a garbage disposal!" I yelled, looking at the three boys who had entered. No one answered me. I looked back to my brother and examined his injuries. He had multiple cuts up his left arm and a huge gash on his right. He also had quite a deep cut on his left shoulder.

I quickly went to the back of the van and grabbed the first aid kit. There wasn't much in the kit though. L'manburg was low on all supplies. I grabbed a roll of bandages and tossed them to Wilbur quickly before grabbing another and going to wrap Tommy's injuries. He argued with me for a minute before I sent him a deadly glare and growled at him to 'shut the fuck up.' Needless to say he stopped arguing and let me wrap his injuries.

While I tended to Tommy, Wilbur was wrapping a few of his sons injuries for him. When I finished with Tommy I went to help Tubbo. But as soon as I turned away from Tommy my vision went blurry and everything was muffled.

Then, all the sudden, everything tuned back in and I found myself standing around the table in the middle of the van with the rest of the group. I was looking directly at Tommy as I spoke.

"What the hell happend?" I growled at the four boys before me. All except Wilbur seemed to shrink back for a second before he started to talk. But just like before as soon as I was focused on someone else everything went blurry and sounded muffled.

My vision and hearing came back once again when I looked to Tommy, who was gazing out the window. He looked bored at first, but then suddenly his face went pale and he quickly turned to the rest of us in the van.

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