XVIII. The Ties that Bind

Start from the beginning

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy now. Nobody needs to get hurt."

Madeleine glares at the prisoner, "Maybe, they do."

As Glenn explores the room the prisoners were hidden in, Rick and Maggie focus on Hershel's condition, desperately trying to salvage the situation. The prison, once a potential sanctuary, is now filled with both internal and external threats, testing the group's resilience in the face of adversity.

"You got medical supplies?" Glenn questions, darting around to find any possible supplies.

Big Tiny, still with his hands up, speaks up. "Wow, where do you think you're going?"

Madeleine, feeling the tension rise, becomes increasingly annoyed at the relentless walkers attempting to infiltrate the cafeteria while the group deals with both the unpredictable prisoners and Hershel's dire situation. The combination of immediate threats intensifies the pressure on them all.

Axel, another one of the prisoners, steps from behind them. "Don't look like no rescue team!"

Rick, determined to protect Hershel from the impending danger, carefully lifts the unconscious man, a heavy burden in his arms. The weight of responsibility and the urgency to secure their position weigh heavily on Rick as he navigates the complex challenges surrounding the group.

"If a rescue team's what you're waiting for, don't!" With resourcefulness, Glenn swiftly grabs a table to assist in carrying Hershel, adding some much-needed support to Rick's efforts. "Come on, we gotta go! Now! Come on, I need a hand here!" Glenn and Rick gently place Hershel on the table.

Axel notices the amputated leg, "Holy Jesus!"

Rick calls out, "T, the door!"

Oscar's eyes widen in horror, "Are you crazy? Don't open that!"

"We got this." T-Dog smirks.

As the group prepares to leave the room carrying Hershel on a table, T-Dog takes action by opening the door and swiftly dealing with a walker threat. Meanwhile, the tension between Madeleine, Daryl, and the prisoners continues, with weapons still pointed as a precautionary measure. The situation remains precarious, with multiple challenges converging at once.

"Daryl! Mads!"

Thomas and Daryl keep their weapons aimed at each other, the atmosphere is thick with tension. Madeleine, however, remains focused on the immediate threat and seems to disregard any calls or distractions from her father.

She makes a move to attack one of the prisoners, but Daryl intervenes Madeleine from making a potentially risky move, causing for the women to advent her glare toward him. The prisoners, intimidated, step back in fear which goes unnoticed by the duo.

The situation hangs in a delicate balance, with weapons drawn and emotions running high. The choices made in the next moments could shape the outcome for everyone involved.

"Let's go."

The group rushes back to their cell block, leaving Hershel's severed leg behind. The persistent threat of walkers adds urgency to their attempt to return to safety. The unsettling reality of the prison becomes more evident as they navigate through the perilous environment, pushing Hershel on a table. The tension remains high, and each step is crucial.

"This way!"

In a synchronized effort, Madeleine and Daryl skillfully dispatch the approaching walkers, their movements harmonized as they forge a path toward the cell block. The gruesome task of eliminating the undead is met with efficiency, blood splattering across Madeleine's face as she swiftly takes down one of the walkers. Daryl's precision adds to the seamless coordination between the two, a testament to their shared understanding in the face of danger. The struggle for survival unfolds as they press forward, determined to reach the safety of the cell block.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now