"Great, XO Kitty it is. I've never watched it before but I have seen the trailer." Zoe say as she scrolled to the series and played it on the television.

"Hey Jules, do you know where your twin is?" Y/n whispered to Juleka.

"He went out with some friends, he'll be back after dinner." Juleka replied.

"Ah, I see."

"Well, I see someone is interested in seeing Juleka's twin right now." Alya teased.

"Alya, he's just a friend. Besides, I was just curious only." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"You sure about that sis?" Marinette nudged. Y/n shot a death stare at her sister as Marinette focused on the show instead. After watching a few episodes, Anarka called the girls for dinner.

"Come around girls, spill any tea you girls have in school. Back in my younger days I was a real gossip girl." Anarka explained.

"Apparently, I hear that Chloe is planning to throw a party for the class to make up for all the nasty things she's done to us." Alya started the gossip.

"Chloe, planning a party for the whole class? Hard to believe." Marinette scoffed.

"I'm not kidding Marinette, there are rumours that Adrien is invited too." Alya said as Marinette squeaked while everyone started laughing at Marinette's reaction.

"I think the party really is happening, Chloe just sent me an invitation." Y/n held up her phone and showed the recent message from Chloe.

"Probably because Chloe practically worships you, she never picks on you and she's always nice to you compared to the rest of us including her half-sister." Alya said.

"And also, whenever you fire back at her, she never wants to pick on you." Zoe added.

"Wait, she sent me one too." Alya checked her phone and got the same message. Everyone's phones started going off as they checked their phones and also got the invitation, everyone except Marinette.

"You guys got invited, but guess what, as her sworn enemy since elementary school, I'm not invited." Marinette folded her arms and leaned back on the chair.

"Well, looks like you spoke too soon Marinette." Y/n pointed at Marinette's phone when a notification from Chloe came up. Marinette exclaimed, "Wait, what? That's impossible!" She opened her messages and y/n was not kidding, Marinette got the exact invitation everyone else got.

"She's really not kidding, but Chloe isn't someone who would invite all of us to a party that she hosts." Marinette said.

"What if she wasn't the one who planned this on her own but someone asked her to." Alya thought.

"Zoe, Chloe's your half-sister, did she actually plan it herself?" Alix asked.

"No, Adrien asked her to plan it so the rumours on Adrien asking to Chloe to plan a party for all of us is actually true." Zoe replied. Marinette stood up and yelled, "I knew it!" Everyone stared at Marinette as she silently sat down and apologized. Once the girls were done with dinner, they changed into their pyjamas and played some card games.

"Girls, to make up for the last time I didn't hang out with you guys, should we go out tomorrow since it is the weekend?" Y/n asked.

"Yes, we definitely should!" Rose exclaimed.

"Where do you want to go tomorrow though?" Mylene asked.

"Oh, I remember coming across a food fair last week, there are a lot of different food stalls so we could check it out tomorrow." Alya suggested.

she is the best thing that's ever been mineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें