Part 27

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That night, Bojan and Jere left together by taxi. He texted the members to tell them that he will not be going back with them...

Jere and Bojan could not get their hands off each other. Throughout the entire ride to a hotel, they held each other's hand. Jere laid his head on Bojan's shoulder and closed his eyes. Bojan slowly diverted his eyes to see Jere. He did not move his head as he did not want to wake him up or startle him.

Seeing him there, with his head on his shoulder and their fingers intertwined with each other, he felt at peace. Bojan had not felt this way for a long time. It seems that only Jere can make him feel this way.

He smiled gently to himself. He felt so grateful that he had a man like Jere in his life.

Once they arrived at their destination, Bojan slowly woke Jere up. Jere opened his eyes, not realising that he had fallen asleep. They exited the taxi to make their way to the hotel.

Jere blushed. Their hands were glued to each other. They could not let each other go and they did not want to. The time they spent apart was already too much.

Jere: "I'm sorry I slept like that... it must have been uncomfortable for you."

As they were walking, Bojan looked into Jere's eyes...

Bojan: "Don't worry. I didn't mind it at all."

Jere blushed even harder.

They walked into the hotel and got a room.

The room provided a really calming atmosphere. It was dark, but not too dark. The room was quite big, with a huge window showing the view of the city streets. But the centre of attention was the king sized bed in the middle, with comfy white mattresses.

Bojan: "So... what do you think?"

Jere: "I-I like it."'

Bojan let go of Jere's hand and walked towards a small stereo. He turned it on to play some slow and relaxing music.

He then walked back towards Jere and wrapped his arms around him. Jere reciprocated. They stood there, in the middle of the room, while the slow music was playing.

They never wanted this moment to end.

Bojan then cupped Jere's face in his hands and made eye contact with him. He did not have any words to explain how much he missed looking into his mesmerising eyes. The time they spent apart was excruciatingly painful.

Jere felt shy. "W-why are you looking at me like that?"

Bojan: "Your eyes are so beautiful..."

Jere felt tingles all over his body. No one has ever complimented his eyes before.

Bojan let go of Jere's face. "You're probably hungry... I'll go get us something to eat.", Bojan smiled.

But Jere did not care about that. The moment that Bojan turned to leave, Jere grabbed him from his shirt, pulled him towards him and started to kiss him.

Bojan was taken by surprise at first but he quickly melted into the kiss.

Jere pushed Bojan on the bed and climbed on top of him. Jere was normally the shy one, but he wanted to show Bojan how serious he was about this. This was not a game. It was real.

As he started to kiss his neck, Bojan started to moan. As a response, Bojan touched Jere's soft hair.

Jere's lips then made their way to Bojan's lips. They kissed slowly, matching the rhythm of the music playing in the background.

Bojan felt like taking things further. He removed Jere's shirt and pulled him down towards him so that they can continue kissing.

Bojan then removed his own shirt. The air around them was heating up.

However, when Bojan was going to attempt to remove his pant, Jere felt hesitant. Bojan noticed.

Bojan: "Is everything alright?"

Jere: "I'm sorry... I'm not ready."

Saying that Jere felt embarrassed was an understatement. He got off of Bojan and sat at the edge of the bed.

The last thing Bojan wanted to do was to make Jere uncomfortable or to do anything that he does not want to do. So, he quickly got up to sit next to Jere.

Jere: "Ugh, this is so embarrassing". Jere covered his face with his hands.

"No Jere, you don't have to feel embarrassed", Bojan said, as he caressed Jere's back.

Jere: "C-can we maybe just cuddle tonight?"

Bojan: "That sounds perfect". Bojan smiled to reassure him. The only thing that mattered to him was that he was with Jere.

So that is what they did all night. They lay in the king sized bed, under the cozy white mattresses, in each other's arms, as they drifted off to sleep.


*Thank you so much for 9k reads omg!!!!!!!!

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