Part 24

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Bojan's hand started shaking a bit as he held the microphone. As he sang A sem ti povedal, he closed his eyes and envisioned the special person he had in his mind... the special person whom he could not stop thinking about.

A tear slipped down his face as he opened his eyes, realizing that the person he was constantly thinking about was not actually there.

"I wish I could see you... I wish I could explain everything to you...", he thought.

He would do anything to see that person again... to see their smile, their mesmerizing eyes...

Bojan felt like he was about to burst out crying. But he controlled his emotions since he was still on stage in front of thousands of fans. He still has to conclude the concert.

Bojan: "I would like to thank you so much for coming to our concert! We truly appreciate it and we hope that you will join us in our other concerts too!"

Bojan tried his best to sound as enthusiastic as possible but inside, he was breaking.

Once the concert was over he quickly excused himself and left to be by himself.

He went into a room backstage and started balling his eyes out. His eyes quickly became red and puffy. He was trying so hard not to break down like this. He felt many emotions bubbling up inside of him but he thought that he would be able to control them...

Bojan: *sob* "I shouldn't cry..."

Yet he started sobbing even harder.

Bojan: *sob* "Why am I feeling this way?"

He felt a small pang in his chest. He has never experienced anything like this before.

His heart was broken and he did not even realize it.

Bojan: *sob* "I just want to see him again... I need to see him again..."

Jere's POV

Once the concert was over, Jere had no time to lose.

He saw the band go backstage. He tried his best to push through the crowd. He was so desperate to see Bojan. He had so many questions... the curiosity was killing him.

After a while he managed to see where he needs to go to enter backstage. Luckily there were no security guards there as they were too busy holding a group of girls back from going on the stage. So, he snatched the chance and ran backstage.

He looked around and could not find Bojan... or any of the members.

Jere: *frowns* "Did they leave already...?"

Jere was so mad at himself. He felt that he missed his chance to see him.

He walked around a bit more when suddenly, he felt a finger tapping twice on his shoulder.

It was Nace.

Jere: "Oh my god, you scared me!"

Nace: *giggle* "Hehe, sorry!"

Jere felt a bit of hope that he might see Bojan again. Since Nace was still there, that must mean that Bojan was still there too.

Nace: "What are you doing here by the way? I didn't know you were coming."

Jere: "Oh uh... I kind of decided to come last minute..."

Nace: "Ohh, is it to surprise Bojan?!"

Jere: "Kind of? I don't know... I just want to talk to him..."

After hearing that sentence, Nace had a worried and concerned expression on his face.

Nace: "Is everything okay?"

That question almost broke Jere. He wanted, so badly, for everything to be okay. He kept remembering all of the sweet moments he shared with Bojan. All of the hugs, kisses, cuddles, watching movies, going to cafes, spending hours on a call with each other... he would do anything to experience even just one of those things with him again...

Jere's eyes filled with tears but he managed to stop himself from crying.

Jere: "I don't know..."

Nace: "Bojan has been acting a bit weird lately. It's like he's not really himself..."

Jere: "What do you mean?"

Nace: "Like, for instance, the other day we were in the studio and he was always spaced out. He couldn't focus. It's like his mind was focused on something else. It's weird because normally, he is the one who pays the most attention when we are practicing in the studio."

Although Jere was quite mad at Bojan, now he was very worried about him.

Although he felt betrayed, rejected and abandoned by him, he realised that despite all of that, he still cared about him. A lot.


*I'm so busy with uni it's crazy 😭

*Over 8k reads on my story is something I never thought was possible <3 

*Thanks for reading!!!! <3 <3 <3 

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