Part 10

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Once they arrived at Jere's apartment, Bojan gently woke him up and helped him go inside.

Bojan helped Jere towards the bed to lay down since he was not feeling well. When Jere was sitting down on the bed, Bojan helped him take off his shoes. Jere felt so exhausted that he could barely move so he could not even take his shirt off. He felt uncertain of how to say it at first but then he blurted out "Can you help me take my shirt off too?". Bojan's face immediately turned red and his entire body felt hot. "Sure". He slowly unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. The air between them was hot, both of their bodies tingling whenever they touched each other.

Once Bojan saw Jere without a shirt he could no longer control himself. Everything he thought on the drive back to Jere's apartment was all bluff. He realised just how difficult, if not impossible, it is for him to resist his attraction towards Jere. Now he knows how impossible it is for these feelings to fade away.

Without a second thought, Bojan pulled Jere towards him and hugged him tightly, wrapping both of his hands around his warm body. All he wanted to do was to touch his body. Jere was taken by surprise. He felt uncertain of how to react. He kept thinking of their kiss and when their bodies touched each other intimately but at the same time, he could not forget how Bojan left without saying a word and how he treated him indifferently in front of his bandmates and even called him a 'friend'. Jere was well aware that he wanted to be more than just friends.

Jere could not get himself to reciprocate the hug. Instead, tears filled his eyes and started streaming down his face. He did not want Bojan to know he was crying as he felt it would be embarrassing and that he would end up asking a lot of questions and his secret feelings for him would be revealed. However, he could not contain his feelings as they became too overwhelming and he started sobbing.

Bojan felt taken aback. He released Jere from his arms and looked at him worriedly.

Bojan: "Are you okay, Jere? Why are you crying?"

Käärijä: *sobs* "I-It's j-just that..."

Bojan felt the urge to comfort him and make him feel free to open up to him about what was going on so he gently held his arm.

Bojan: "It's okay, you can tell me anything."

Käärijä: "I-I...."

Jere took a deep breath.

Käärijä: "I didn't like the way you called me your 'friend'".

Bojan was confused. "Aren't we friends?".

Käärijä: "Y-yes, but... I don't know, just forget it..."

Jere hid his face in his hands due to embarrassment. "What was I thinking??? About to tell him I'm in love with him???", he thought.

Bojan was confused but at the same time, deep down he thought of the possibility of what he could mean by that. The dark atmosphere of Jere's room, the slight glow of the moon coming onto them through the window increased the heat in the air between them. Bojan looked towards Jere with his face in his hands. He looked to the ground and closed his eyes. He felt his heart beat ten times faster than it normally does. In his heart he knew what he wanted yet his head was fighting back.

About two minutes of silence passed and Bojan knew that there was no escaping this.

He gently moved closer to Jere and lifted his face slowly and gently with his hand. They looked straight in each other's eyes, Jere's eyes filled with tears while Bojan's eyes had a serious and concentrated gaze. Time seemed to stop between them. Through each other's eyes they saw a million words, a million different emotions which each of them could not comprehend.

Suddenly, Bojan smashed his lips against Jere's. With tears streaming down his face, Jere kissed him back passionately and quickly removed Bojan's shirt. Bojan pushed Jere down on the bed, facing upwards, and went on top of him.

Bojan: "Please, tell me what you meant.."

Käärijä: "I-..."

Bojan kissed him, starting from his belly all the way up towards his lips. He yearned to taste every part of his body. Jere felt his entire body tingle and moaned with pleasure. The kiss quickly turned into a full blown make out session.

Jere felt a surge of panic wash over him as he remembered the reason for why he was crying in the first place. He pushed Bojan away. Bojan felt both nervous and embarrassed, feeling that maybe he had made a mistake.

Bojan: "I'm sorry..."

Käärijä: "No, wait! It's just that..."

Bojan: "Please tell me Jere..."

Käärijä: "What is this?"

Bojan sat there silently, looking at anything and everything apart from Jere.

Käärijä: *crying* "I just have to say this... The hugging, the kissing, the making out... do they mean nothing to you? Is it all just fun to you?"

Bojan: "Why are you saying this?"

Käärijä: "Because we do this, whatever this is, and then you call me your 'friend'! Do you do this with the rest of your friends too?!?!?!"

Bojan felt his face flush. He knew that their was something going on between him and Jere but he felt reluctant to admit it. He did not feel strong enough to face the consequences.

Käärijä: "Please, speak to me Bojan, you're breaking my heart..."

Bojan: "I don't know what this is, Jere. I'm confused..."

Jere frowned, not understanding what he means. After a few seconds, they looked in each other's eyes again. In that moment they both knew what they wanted.

"Jere, I want you".


*Thank you so much for 1.8k reads!!!! <3

I Wanna Be Yours | Bojan x Käärijäजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें