Part 20

211 11 2

2 weeks later

It has been two weeks since Bojan and the rest of Joker Out left to go back to Slovenia. Exactly two weeks since Bojan asked Jere to be his boyfriend.

They have been facetiming each other every night and messaging each other throughout the day to see how they are doing.

Bojan's POV

Another busy they had passed and Bojan was finally in his room. This was the time he looked forward to the most from the entire day because he knew that he could finally see Jere's face and hear his sweet voice.

He took a shower and threw on a pair of comfy grey shorts. He looked in the mirror and smirked. He felt like teasing Jere today... "Meh, it's not that cold anyway, I don't need to wear a shirt".

He hopped on his bed and grabbed his phone to facetime Jere.

Jere's POV

Jere was watching Netflix while eating some popcorn when suddenly, he heard his phone ring. He immediately paused the movie and grabbed his phone to answer. He was so excited when he saw Bojan's name on the screen. Even though he talks to him every night, he still misses him all the time.

Jere: "Hey Bojan! How was you day?"

Bojan: "I'm so tired, we had two interviews today and we are planning on writing a new song".

Jere: "Oh, maybe we should skip this tonight so you can rest..."

Bojan: "I always have time for you baby".

Jere started blushing like crazy. Bojan has never called him baby before. He felt a million butterflies in his stomach. The way he said it... he loved it.

Bojan: *giggles* "Why are you blushing?"

Jere: "I-...I like the way you just called me...", Jere smiled cutely.

Bojan positioned his phone in such a way so that he could show Jere that he did not have a shirt on.

Bojan: "Baby..."

Seeing Bojan like that, alone and shirtless in bed made Jere miss him a million time more than he already was. He wished that he could teleport himself into Bojan's bed so that he could give him all the hugs and kisses he wants.

Jere: "I miss you... so much..."

Bojan: "I miss you too."

Jere: "When do you think we'll see each other again?"

Bojan: "I don't know... we have a few concerts in Slovenia and also a few in Croatia. And you have many gigs in Finland..."

Although Jere was excited about having many gigs since his fame has been increasing, he was still sad that it means that he could not be with Bojan.

Bojan: "Please don't be sad. I hate seeing you like that..."

Jere: "I just really want to hug you right now... I miss cuddling with you"

Bojan: "I miss it too... Don't worry Jere. We'll find a way to see each other soon. I promise"

*Bojan yawns*

Jere: "You should go to bed. Make sure to rest well."

Bojan: "You too baby. Goodnight."

And with that, the call ended. Jere switched the lights off.

It comforted him knowing that Bojan promised him that they would meet again soon. He'll just have to cuddle with his plushies for a while instead...


*Thank you so much for reading!!! I cannot believe I have almost 7k reads it's crazy!!! <3 <3 <3 

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