Seven Billion (One Direction) [On Hold]

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They say there's someone out there for everyone. In a world of seven billion people, that's not so hard to believe. And if you're lucky, you'll find that someone.

I was an awkward teenager, for sure. Sitting in my secondary school, wondering why none of the lads ever gave me a second look. Wondering why their eyes would follow the popular girls across the classroom but ignore me entirely. I wasn't pretty, I wasn't stand-out, I wasn't anything special.

We've all felt like that at some point. Like we'd never find that one in seven billion that was just made for us.

I had given up on finding him. He must have been great at hiding, I thought, because I haven't met him yet, and I've lived seventeen years on this Earth.

When I turned eighteen, there was an accident. A car crash.

They say I might never walk again, though it is possible. A fifteen percent chance of a full recovery. I've given up hope on that, as well.

My parents can't keep me at home, around five younger siblings. I've been calling this hospital home for a year now.

I never expected to find my one in seven billion here.

In the room next to me.



A/N: Hello

This one got lots of votes in the 1D Story Ideas book, so here it is!

I love the premise of this book, I don't think I've seen one like it before.

Anyways, enjoy!

Love you <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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