We're Searching and Live Alongside Each Other

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Niki sees the letter and can't read it. She wonders if it is from the humans. She asks security to be on high alert and to send for their guests. Techno, Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy come to the throne room with serious expressions.

"Is this the human language?" Niki asks, handing Techno the message. His eyes go wide.

"What does it say?" Tommy leans closer to Techno.

"It-it's written by Dream. He says if we don't hand over the throne of Hoku, he'll take it by force directly and... He'll kill my sister in the process." Techno's eyes darken. Every part of him is filled with black. This hurt, his aches, his thoughts, they all narrow on one thing. Blood. He wants the blood of those humans, as if he wasn't one himself. He'll show them no mercy, he'll show them no love, he'll show them violence. He throws the paper down and leaves the room with fury. Everyone looks at him with confusion and steps out of his way as he walks. There's footsteps behind him, someone calling his name. Techno goes to his room and grabs his sword. When goes to leave he sees Tommy panting at the door.

"Wait-" he huffs. "Wait a second. What are you doing?" Techno steps forward but Tommy blocks his path. "Tell me what's going on!"

"You heard what I read! They have my sister, so I'm taking her back!" Techno glares down at Tommy, but Tommy doesn't fear. He doesn't fear his brother.

"So what, you going to kill all of them by yourself!"

"I've killed towns of Walking Stars, you don't think I can do it to my own people!" Techno's expression softens when Tommy's hardens at the mention of Techno's past. "You don't understand..."

"Understand what?"

"She's all I have left, she's the only family I've ever had." Tears threaten to escape his eyes so he grits his teeth instead. There's silence for a moment.

"But this isn't just about your sister, our whole world is in trouble." Another long pause. "We need to work together so we lose nothing." Techno takes a deep breath in. "The Queen and the others are making a plan, they said to join them when we're ready." Tommy begins to walk away and Techno keeps his head down. Like shame has a hand on the back of his neck. Tommy stops and slightly turns his head over his shoulder. "And she's not the only one you have left... We're still here." Tommy leaves, leaving Techno to let those words claw into his chest.

Them? He has them? As in family? He hears Tommy's footsteps fade away. For a long while he just stands until his legs ache. Then he sits on his bed with his face planted into his hands. Techno just wants to wrap his mind around all this before he goes anywhere, or does anything. Where should his thoughts even start? After all this, he knows one thing. Tommy is right, this isn't just about him and his sister. This world is in danger and after all the pain Techno caused these people, he should fix it. After all, that's all behind him now. Who he was, what Earth was to him, what family was to him. That's his past and he wants a different future.

He doesn't know how long it's been but he walks down the halls all the same. Tap, tap, tap. He focuses on his feet moving forward, one boot touching the ground to the next. Techno arrives at the throne room again. They all pause to look at him and then smile.

"Feeling better?" Niki asks. Techno just nods. Phil lifts one of his arms, inviting him to join them. Techno goes to stand beside Phil, when he does Phil puts a strong hand on his back. A strong sense of courage takes over Techno's consciousness. "Now, what can we do about this?" Their expressions sour.

"We need to take out their government right? Strike there and then let anyone willing to get along with Walking Stars build a new life." Techno starts to explain.

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