And All that We Listen to is Caving in

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Almost a year ago Techno should have seen something coming. Sure he knows about the portal and all the fuss about it. But some part of him doesn't believe it. No matter how many times it shows up on the news, no matter how many pictures are taken, no matter how much military equipment is moved. It just is impossible.

His day starts out the same. He gets ready for work and helps his little sister get ready for school. A part of which is putting her pink hair into two braids. Yes, they both have pink hair. It's what she wanted for her birthday and he couldn't say no to those begging eyes. Once they are ready, Techno prepares their quick breakfast. They sit at the table munching as fast as they can. His sister babbles on about her classmates and tries to convince Techno to let her stay home.

"Where are mom and dad?" She suddenly asks with a mouth full of scrambled eggs.

"Where else?" Techno doesn't care to look up. He hates that question because the answer is always the same.

"Work." It wasn't a question. Only now does Techno look up at his sister. She stares at her empty plate with dark eyes. His heart pings against his rib cage. She doesn't deserve his anger.

"Well, we should get going." He puts on a smile and walks over to her. He picks her up from her seat and spins her around.

"Put me down! Put me down!" She giggles and screams of joy. Before he does he gives a soft kiss on her forehead. She runs off to get her bag with Techno behind her. They are out the door and into Techno's fancy car. The drive to her elementary school is short and his job is only another five minutes away. When he drops her off she waves goodbye and tells him how much she loves him. He sighs and rolls his eyes but as soon as she isn't looking, he grins. He loves that girl so much.

His drive is quiet without her and all he wants to do is not go into work. He doesn't want to go home either. He just wants to go to a place where he can just... Exist. But he's at work. Although he could have had a job in his family's fancy business he didn't want his work to be his life. That honor goes to his sister. His job is as simple as it comes, he's a cart attendant. Most of the time they make the cart attendant do other little jobs but this store is so busy, it's his only job. They call him the cart king. It's ridiculous but he's glad his hard work is known. Even if in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter that much. But someone has to do the small jobs, it might as well be him. He actually likes it, besides the customers telling him that they need smaller carts to get through the isles easier. What is he supposed to do? He doesn't make the carts! Anyways, he likes that for the most part, no one bothers him. He takes breaks on time and he can daydream all he wants. In his daydreams he can slay dragons, conquer lands, and travel without consequences.

But at the end of his shift he's back to reality. He is raising his sister, he hasn't seen his parents in months, and his life isn't going anywhere. It's annoying sometimes and sometimes it's comforting to be where he's at. No bigger purpose to live up to but... Ever so often he wishes he could be more. He thinks everyone must think about that too. The best part of his day is when he gets to pick up his sister. The same smile she gives him in the morning, is the one he gets when he picks her up. When they get home they always find something fun to do. Sometimes it's trying out a new dish, making up the wildest story, watching movies, anything and everything. Just like a small job, these small things are worth doing too. But today is different. And he should have paid more attention to the news. They enter their rich, mostly empty house. She wants to watch Star Wars even though she fell asleep during the first movie five times. She'll get it one day.

There is a knock at the door and Techno sighs. Knowing it's not his parents but his sister seems to think so. She jumps up and swings open the heavy door with the words "mom" and "dad" on her tongue. Techno walks over to the door slowly and before he can make it over there, hands reach out and grab her from the door. She screams and Techno's body seizes. He runs to the door and sees men in black miltary outfits. She kicks and squirms but they don't falter their grip.

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