So Have We Found Ourselves at All?

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Techno is ripped out of bed, his head dizzy, arms and legs aching from not finishing his sleep. He hears shouting and feels pulling and shoving until the cold air hits him. It's still night and he's being thrown onto the ground. The shouts are familiar. Finally he manages to open his eyes. He sees what he assumes are guards holding his arms. They put him in chains and keep spears near his back. When he peers over his shoulder he sees Tommy, Wilbur, and Phil being treated the same. That sobbers him up. That's why the yelling is familiar, his friends are yelling. He still hasn't adjusted to what they are saying but Tommy points his worried expression towards Techno, Wilbur practically biting the men with spears, and Phil trying to stay close to his boys, trying to cover them with his wings. A pair of wings over them and a pair of wings towards him. They are all kneeled down in front of a Walking Star, one with an extra metal, and fancier clothes. Must be the captain in town.

"Queen Niki has put out an order to bring you to her." He turns his head towards Phil and his family. "For being friendly to The Blade and for The Blade for murdering her people." The captain says sternly. He watches their reactions and his eyes land on Techno. He doesn't react, mostly because he knows he deserves it. Phil and the boys argue with the captain but he hears none of it. They are lifted off the ground and pushed onto a wooden carriage in chains. This would scare him, it would but he's just tired of running and hiding. Maybe this is for the best. It's not like he has something to live for. His sister is in a different dimension, he betrayed Earth, and he's done things that have left him broken. It's not just something you can mend with needle and thread or melted gold in between the cracks of pots. This is intangible.

"What are we going to do?" Tommy's voice cracks. Techno finally looks up from the bouncing wood. The carriage they're in is surrounded by guards and pulled by two horses. They sit in the carriage by themselves and the outside noise it's too loud for anyone to hear what they are saying.

"Are we just going to let Techno..." Be executed is left unsaid. Wilbur pauses and takes a second to stare at Techno. "Are we going to let this happen?" They all turn to Phil whose eyes are to the ground as well.

"Le-let's try to explain first before we do anything drastic." Phil sighs, gripping his hands tight. That makes Techno's heart ache. He needs Phil to be strong so he can be strong. He needs his eyes to be steady so he can feel safe again.

"Why would they even listen to us!" Tommy shouts, throwing his arms and wings outward. His wings hit the others and they just grumble about it under their breath.

"I used to work closely with her, remember? I'm sure I could get her to listen at least for a little while."

"And if that doesn't work?" Wilbur asks harshly.

"I...I don't know." Phil whispers, turning his head to look past the bars of the carriage.

"Can't we just run away?"

"We should at least try to prove our innocence first, Tommy." Techno says, Tommy rolls his eyes. "Running makes us look guilty."

"I can't believe we're sucking up to the Queen."

"Everyone sucks up to the Queen." Phil chuckles and the carriage is a little less stuffy. "We're going to be ok, we're sticking together." He stares right into Techno's eyes. There's that steady look. He knows he'll be ok now, no matter what happens. Instead of staying silent for the rest of the trip they decide to keep a funny conversation going. Days later they arrive at the castle. They are drunk on jokes and are numb to anxiety. Everyone but the guards turn from fear of Techno. It takes away the drunk atmosphere, for him at least. Wilbur and Tommy are still immune while Phil stays silent, walking shoulder to shoulder with Techno. The strangers' eyes dig into his skin and his heart curls in on itself from his blood ridden past. He knows why they are staring, why they quickly find a different path out of his way but it still hurts. He deserves it, he deserves punishment. Maybe he'll feel better if he gets one.

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