5 •If You Were Forgiven

Start from the beginning

"Hand it over."

She looked at him dumbfounded.

"Hand what over what? Does it look like I carry God given things with me?"

He sighed loudly, and she could tell he was getting irritated. Makes things a lot easier for her, she supposed.

"Look, sorry that I don't fucking have something you n-," She closed her mouth for a second as she tried to calm down. "People should have had with you, but that is not my fucking problem, but what is, is you still being here."

Zayle took a step closer, and Rena faltered slightly.

Fake it till you make they say.

"That sounds like a you problem."

Heaven must be up to date with Earth's little slangs or whatever the hell you call it.

"Hey, let's settle down now." Mikhail suddenly chirped as he tried to step in between the two.

"Sit. Down." The two demanded at the same time as they never broke eye contact with each other.

"Sat... sat indeed." Rena heard him mutter but she didn't pay him any further attention as she took a step closer to the man in front of her.

"You know what else sounds like a you problem?" He questioned.

She could feel her hands twitch as she glared up at him.

"That war you have to deal with?" She remarked.

"Your monthly wage?" He chided back.

"Your girlfriend?" Rena said as she raised an eyebrow.

"But I don't have one...?"

Oh, he fell right into that one.

"I know. I was just reminding you." She said heavily. She turned around, feeling herself cringe but she clutched her chest.

Gods, I watch too much Tic Tok—

"How's your father?"

She stopped almost immediately, feeling her mouth drop.

"Oh, that was foul."
Most definitely foul on his end. And how was he even aware of that?

She could feel herself flaring up, not from his comments, but his presence entirely. She wondered how someone could make a person so irritated just by existing.

"Keep talking." She seethed, stepping up to him.

There wasn't much space in between them, barely a couple of inches away from each other but the fact alone irritated her even more.

His eyes were firm, but she noticed his stance waver a bit.


The two jumped as they turned their gaze to the out of breath man. Mikhail had the same rubber band in front of his eye and even though he called the man in front of Renas name, his gaze was fixated on the woman.

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