Untitled Part 18

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The footsteps followed him, he knew he looked ridiculous waddling with his nose in the air. Soon they were walking side by side, the dining hall seemed kilometers away. Draco glared hard at the chocolate brown foot keeping. Waking up in his bed, alone, he panicked for a moment. Last night he was enclosed by the safety of his mother's scent and wand. She was nowhere to be seen. Draco quickly changed to something comfortable, he had cursed the long sheets to hell and back while racing to the front door away from Harry's doppelganger.


He really had no idea who the stranger was, or what became of him!. Draco had the urge to bang his head against the headboard. Pregnancy had made him super tired, and after yesterday's events he had no energy left in him. He should have been there, instead of just leaving his parents to take care of everything. He had promised himself after the war to stand on his own two feet, not relying on his money, family, father etc.

Guess pregnancy gives him an excuse.

Gawking at the horrible state of his face, and brushing so vigorously that his gums tingled, he stomped down the hall towards his mother's room. Today was one of those days, he broke a promise so important, one that made him move forward even in the lowest, he looked absolutely horrible, the manor was fucking silent, his mother was nowhere to be seen, he is hungry and that stranger and his predicament is still unknown.

Worst fucking day!!!

Narcissa would have been up and ready for a war with the way Draco was knocking on that door, which was just a rose tinted version of nearly breaking the hundred and something year old antique door. If she was in there. When Draco was young he was never bothered by the fact that his mother and father never slept in the same room, it didn't matter. Then he reached puberty and started wondering if his parents were no longer having a relationship, how could two people remain together without even spending a single moment with each other. Why would a married couple keep three guestrooms, a study and a library between them? It's not like he wanted to wonder about his parents' sex life, but for a fourteen year old it looked so dysfunctional that it destroyed his sleep for some weeks. Pansy quickly saw to that, the realization that this was the peak point of pureblood dream grounded his anxiety. So you can imagine the scenarios his morning brain created within the first nano second of his mother's absence.

The grip on his wand tightened, his mom was thoughtful to leave the wand on his bedside table. He rushed towards his father's room, trying hard not to make a single sound. At this point even his breath was echoing through the polished marble walls.

Heaving to catch his breath and supporting his three month old belly, he knocked gently on his father's doors, cringing by the damn creaking sound that might as well have woken an eighty year old woman a hundred miles away. Holding his breath, he waited for the doors to open. When that didn't happen he pushed the door,(again the creaking sound, why didn't anyone bother to oil the fucking hinges?).

The view knocked his breath out.

His mother was lying on her side, with father's arm draped over her middle.

Suddenly he felt very awkward standing there. What is he supposed to do now? What the hell happened yesterday? That one day you go to bed early, the entire world flips on its axis? Standing in the doorway blinking owlishly, a third person pov might describe a horrified expression on his face.


It should be illegal to torture a pregnant person like this. First, his parents who walked around with invisible armor made of chilled acromantula venom, were slumbering peacefully in each other's arms. Did his father just bury his face into his mother's hair? And next he-, he has to deal with this Harry.

He backed away from the room and gently closed the doors, started walking towards the dining halls.

Food is what he needed now!

pace with his own.

"Nothing's really changed-

"I am not talking to you" Draco should feel bad about being so condescending, but he didn't. He was not interested in any conversation, definitely not with Harry. He had enough with one his Harry, now the universe is giving him another one, yule is earlier this year? Looks like it with the way the universe is dropping all these gifts on him. Merlin! He hadn't even thought of Harry in the past few months. The onset of another breakdown raced through Draco's nerves.

"What is your name?"

"I thought we were not talki-

"Tell me your fucking name!"


Draco can deal with that.

"Draco, dear? Do you wanna sit down?" The lack of response from Draco's side made Hadrian panic even more.

Draco jumped out of his skin as dark arms went around him, pulling to one of the many rooms. Hadrian made Draco sit on one of the chairs, drawing another one close. For the second time, they made eye contact. Hadrian was really handsome, and unlike Harry with his endless quirks and curious green eyes, Hadrian appeared very calm and collected, not something Draco found attractive as it resembled his upbringing in every way. Harry had been a fresh air from the monochromatic life of written elegance.

He sighed. He should have known traipsing with Potter would only bring trouble.

"Are you alright, love?" The mismatched eyes held so much concern that it made Draco swallow a snide remark, "I am not your love Potter!". Now he was sounding like the characters in those muggle romantic movies. Hadrian simply smiled and held his palms(Draco didn't like it ofcourse)."Me and you, we exist in every universe. When I started researching Dimension travel, I wanted to make sure that the timeline I would find myself in, will be the one with Draco Malfoy whose soul I carry in my heart. So, love, you are mine"

"You think of me as your property then" Draco couldn't help but feel disappointed, at least Harry did not view him as a quest to be won or something.

Hadrian rose from where he was sitting on the ground."You used to love when I called you mine."

Despite the shiver that shimmied through his spine, he still managed to send a scathing glare at the mischievous look on his face."You should be ashamed of yourself Potter. These are not the words you should be speaking to an Omega pregnant with another man's child". And that got him a reaction. The way in which the green and red orbs suddenly deepened a shade or too sent another spark through his nerves


Four words

college is a bitch

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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