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Draco Malfoy was speechless. Lucius Malfoy, the most coldest Malfoy to ever live was hugging him. He don't even remember getting hugged like this by his father in his childhood. He had spent the previous hour, explaining in shame, what his stupidity has brought him. 

"You were right father, Love makes everyone weak". He murmured under his breath, tears clouding his vision. Lucius only smiled at his son. He was not a great father, but he knew when his son needed him.

" No Draco, Love doesn't make you weak. That is not right, you taught me that. It changes you Draco, it gives you a purpose to live. And listen Draco, you are loved. Your mother loves you, your friends would die for you, and I love and cherish you my son. Anyone who failed to do so is not in their right mind. You are too precious to be denied of love. You deserve all the love in the world."( A/N: If you are reading this, you also deserve the same Little Daffy)

A single tear escaped ran down his cheeks as he hugged his father even more tighter.

Narcissa watched as her family become complete once again. She should thank Potter for this, she was grateful that Potter is no longer in her son's life. Her son deserved only the best. She would make sure that her son was happy.

They were all eating the breakfast peacefully. Draco felt an amazing sense of relief running through his veins as he watched his parents smothering him in love. After all, the love of his life failed to do so.  Suddenly a sudden wave of nausea hit him. He quickly ran off to the bathroom to puke his guts off. He cleaned himself, a small smile lighting his pale face.  He returned to the seat.

" Are you okay Draco?" It was his father who asked.

" Yeah, I am alright" Lucius smiled at him and went back to his prophet.  " Um, I have to tell you something".

Suddenly a loud bang interrupted Draco. The smoke cleared from the fireplace, it was Pansy. She scanned the entire room until her eyes fell on Draco. She strode over and pulled him in to a bone crushing hug, careful enough not to apply pressure on his stomach. Hermione was more collected as she appeared in the fireplace, she hesitated upon seeing Lucius Malfoy, according to her memory the man did not treat Muggleborns kindly.

" Its okay Granger, I have already let go of all those idiotic principles of mine. You are welcome here anytime". Hermione smiled in relief as she joined her wife who was still sobbing on to Draco's shirt.

" Honey let go of him, you know its not good for him and his baby"

" What baby?" Narcissa asked with concern, while Lucius was immersed in thoughts. He already already knew half the story.

" You haven't told them?" Pansy asked Draco who in turn faced his parents-

" I am pregnant"

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