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" I don't understand Severus, what are you trying to achieve? That woman abandoned you in your lowest moment. What more are you expecting? She married the person who frequents your nightmare, she holds tea parties with people who have harassed you. For the love of all gods, Sirius Black is her child's bloody godfather. HE TRIED TO KILL YOU!!!!.

Narcissa was gripping the armrest too tightly, her breath more erratic. She glared furiously into the black orbs that were mirroring her own expression. The dark lord may not be reasonable nor sane, but this was not worth it. She had already lost someone close to her, she would be damned before she let another of her friends die in the name of this worthless bloodshed.

'Cissa, she- she might have done all that. But the same girl showed kindness to a seven year old boy, the same boy his own father and mother despised, the same boy everyone ignored. She saw me, for a long time, she was the only one who saw me. I need to return that favor. Please?"

Narcissa would later bundle memories of two different memories and push them to the back of her consciousness, without leaving room for making a trip down to even her nightmares., memories of two friends' walking away from her into an unfair demise, while she stood powerless, remaining to carry the burden of living.

Now she looks into the mismatched pair of eyes, she has enough time to grieve, before she is pulled again. Where she had seen that same colour, same as blood. 

"My lord"

Lucius stepped forward to greet the dark lord. They both knew what was to come. The inevitable punishments, she hoped that her son was free from this madness, the Potter boy seemed to be in love with him. She knew Lucius thought the same.

"What is it that I hear about young Draco?" 

Silence spread around them, all the death eaters keenly watching. Once powerful wixen with grace were reduced to bloodthirsty creatures with no class. The dark lord deemed silence enough answer.


Hadrian waited for his mother in law to stop hyperventilating. Travelling through dimensions didn't mean he was equipped with memories of this world. She looked broken enough to keep him from asking. 

"Why do you look like them? Like Severus but happier. Like Riddle, but sane? Why?" She asked after a moment. Lucius had his arms wrapped around his wife, he was curious as well. 

"Severus and Tom, they are my dads".

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